Chapter Nine

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The next day, you woke up with your head throbbing painfully along with your painful back pain and your wrists and ankles that were tied to what seemed like a chair.

You adjusted your vision to where you were. You were in a dark room, only the light above you giving out a little glow. The walls were a velvet red, and it had gold accentuations to it. The mahogany door was to the far front of you, which was so impossible for you to get there since the room was too big and spacious.

You tried to scream for help, but you realized that your mouth had cloth covering it, making every scream muffled.


You squirmed, shuffled, but it was no use. The ropes were too tight.

"There's no use in squirming, Alice. You're trapped, held captive by me." a voice said.

You scanned your surroundings, only to be greeted by a pale-faced, wide-foreheaded woman who was atleast 4 or 5 feet tall, velvet red hair, and Victorian clothing with odd makeup on.

It was none other than the Queen of Hearts herself.

Standing beside her, was the Knave of Hearts, Ilosovic Stayne. His leather eye patch was in its usual spot, and his neck-length wavy black hair with his strong and chiseled features were accentuated by the little light in the room.

You hated to admit it, but he was attractive too.

Ilosovic pulled down the cloth that was keeping you from talking and walked back to his beloved, wicked queen.

"So, you've come again to ruin my plans, Alice?" the Queen of Hearts asked. It was silent for a few moments, and you were now sure that you had a confused look on your face.

"I believe that you're mist--" you were about to explain your side but you were cut off with a hard slap that left a red mark on your cheek.

"DO NOT LIE TO ME KINGSLEIGH!" she shouted, shaking and pointing her staff at you. "Just please, your majesty! Let me explain my side!" you said, tears now on the brink of cascading down your cheeks. She stood back, and nodded. "Make it quick."

"I am the daughter of Alice, (Y/n) Kingsleigh. My mother is long gone." you said. The queen let out an evil laugh, and walked towards you, examining your features. "You sure do look a lot like your mother." she said, shrugging.

"Tomorrow, you will join me and my guests for dinner in celebration of your soon to be excecution day."

Excecution day?!

Could things just get any worse?!

"Bye-bye, off with your little head, little Alice." she smiled and exited out of the room.

You were helpless, in regards to your situation. You just prayed silently, hoping that help will come soon enough.


The Hatter scanned his surroundings, while yawning and stretching out his limbs. After what happened last night, he didn't expect that kind of reaction from you. He knew you had some kind of illness due to the way you acted.

And now, he expected that you were there on your spot last night, sleeping peacefully.

But you weren't.

There was literally no sign of you, not a single trail nor clue.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!" The Hatter shouted. He was now slowly panicking and worrying about where were you, or something bad happening to you.

But realization hit him, and this could've only meant one thing on why you were missing.

"I'm going to save you, (Y/n). Just hang on."


A/n: Holee shyet I almost effed up 😂

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