Chapter Five

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"Y-yes, of course. But look, it's getting late here. You should stay and sleep for a night at my house." He offered.

He was right. You had no other choice but to stay and accept his offer.

"Okay then." You said.


The two of you walked a long way to his house. Once you finally arrived, your nostrils were greeted by the lovely scent of flowers, baked goods and tea. His house was simple, and quite similar to yours. With a garden at the back, and all the stuff.

"Wow," Was all you could spit out. "Please, do feel in like home. I'll prepare the guest bedroom for you" the hatter said. He went off to do so, and you were left with the silent and calming atmosphere.

Looking around, you had noticed the unusual number of hats he had, and a somewhat, blue feather ripped out from something.

Wait. A blue feather?

It was next to a picture. A family picture, to be exact. The hatter had a very big, and sincere smile. He was beside two people - his mother and father, you guess.

"H-hey! I'm back!" The hatter sweated profusely. He was now twitching. Why though?

"Hi. Are... are you okay?" You asked as he approaches you and gets the little feather. He nods in response. He's acting weird... maybe a memory has been triggered.

"I'm sorry to go through your personal stuff," you apologized. "I... just remembered my mother told me about this, but I can't seem to ring a bell.

The hatter shook his head. "No, it's alright. Would you like some tea, perhaps?" He offered. "Chamomile tea might just help you relax and let you drift off to a good night's sleep."

The hatter was in the kitchen -- almost as fast as the speed of light, and prepared the tea. Goodness, his actions were too kind of him. You thought of helping him prepare the tea too, so you followed to the kitchen.

"Hatter, let me help," you offered. He shook his head as a response. "A guest is a guest. You should feel at home, darling." Darling. A single, seven-letter word, already sending chills down your spine and goosebumps all over your body. Was it his smooth and deep voice that had an effect on you, like some kind of spell? Or a little crush growing inside you?

Silly. You just met him like, a couple of hours ago! Maybe more!

Not wanting to argue, you just went through the cupboards and got the cookie jar, two small plates, teaspoons and teacups. "Why two?" The hatter asked, now pouring the prepared tea into the teapot. You just shrugged. He was lost in your beauty, really. You were like a living replica of your mother.

"Oh my!" You exclaimed. The tea was now overflowing and the two of you hurriedly got old rags and wiped the spill. You were wiping the floors, and just unexpectedly bumped your head with the hatter's.

"Ow!" You both said in unison, and laughed. "Clumsy us." He said. "I thought you were wiping the counter tops!"

"Just thought that you needed help down here." He smiled. Goodness gracious, help.

The two of you finished off, and went to the living room to chitchat. It felt like a decade since you haven't had actual company in your life. You both simply enjoyed each other's time.

"And where was I... oh dear." The hatter said, a faint blush dusting across his pale, white face. Your sleepy head was now rested against his shoulder, and he just couldn't help but smile. This was the most angelic moment that he has ever seen in his life.

"Might as well join the slumber party," he chuckled. "Don't want to wake up the sleepy head." The hatter chuckled as he slowly took off his coat and wrapped it around you. And him, wrapping your gentle figure in his warm embrace.


A/n: Yeet. Might now actually get to y'all since the pandemic has started, and we don't have classes.

Also, I'm a bit spooked because I have a cough and cold, and yeah. The pandemic. Fook-

Tea, Hats, and The Hatter (Mad Hatter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now