Chapter Six

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Morning had already dawned over Wonderland.

You yawned and stretched your arms, but another pair of arms seemed to hold you in a warm embrace. You looked up and saw the hatter, his hair messy and mouth slightly agape. Your face warmed as he was muttering your name while he was sound asleep.

Slowly and carefully, you got up and decided to make breakfast without waking the hatter up. A simple serve of pancakes and bacon would do.

You went to the kitchen and started prepping. But a realization dawned over you as your face gloomed. You'd be finding your way home and leaving this place soon that your mother treasured and loved. You continued on cooking when you felt a presence enter the kitchen.

"Good morning, (Y/n)!"

"Good morning too, Hatter," you greeted him and smiled. "I'm cooking breakfast. You can now sit on the table while I just grab some plates and refreshments for us." you said. Instead, he got the plates and orange juice and set them on the table. "Let me help." he offered.

You just accepted the offer and then the two of you had breakfast together. It was nice and not that lonely anymore since you had his company.

You talked during breakfast. You couldn't stop getting lost because you've been stealing stares at his features. His hair were like flames. His smile showed his dimples, and despite his odd paleness, he still looked very attractive. Those multi-colored eyes that gleamed in the light had a breath-taking beauty and seemed to stare into your soul.

"(Y/n)? Hello? Wonderland to (Y/n)!" The hatter waved a hand infront of you. He giggled at your actions.

"H-huh? What? Where were we?" You snapped out of your state and scratched the back of your neck, your face flaming up for the second time. "You seemed to be thinking deeply about something." his voice slowly faded with a husky tone as his face slowly crept up to yours until both were inches apart. His warm breath fanned your delicate features as you had a sharp intake of breath and replied.

"O-oh, it's nothing."

He chuckled.

Both of you washed the dishes and still continued on talking about lots of stuff. Life, love, and more imaginable things that were simply impossible to achieve for you back at Winchester.

"So, have you had this other half of yours already?" the hatter asked after a few moments of silence that wafted in the atmosphere. You sadly shook your head no.

"I'm just living alone back at my home in Winchester. I am still quite not interested in these things because I'm still focusing on earning money and feeding myself."

He inclined his head as if he didn't understand what you meant. Or maybe something else. "Where is this Winchester located? Why do you live alone? I thought Alice had a sister and a family?" he asked.

"Oh. My grandmother and I aren't quite compatible with each other, and my aunt is married and has her own family now. I'm left with nothing but the memories of me and my mother when she was still alive." The hatter had a look of pity on his face, held your hand and rubbed the back of your palm. "I'm sorry to hear this, (Y/n)." he said. You shrugged it off and another moment of silence came.

You were now drying the dishes while the hatter was now rinsing them. The silence was broken when a foam of bubbles landed on your face as soon as you turned around. You wiped it off and had a look of great shock on your face. You gasped. The house echoed off the hatter's laughs and it was silenced when you threw a whole lot of foam, landing on his face and shirt.

This continued on for what seemed like forever, and you simply enjoyed it.

"Hatter!" You exclaimed as he hugged you from behind, full of the soapy foam.

And then a feeling inside you just screamed out for a long time in his embrace. You wished for this to last a bit longer. Really.

The both of you laughed and laughed. "I think we should now take a shower," You said. "I still have to find my way home!"

Exiting with the silliest walk, the hatter heaved a sigh. He didn't want you to go.

It seemed that he has now found the light in his life.

And he didn't want to let go of it now.

Again, he heaved a sad sigh with a sad smile on and decided to just wash his face because you were still in the shower, and changed into his normal, usual clothes.

A few moments later, you were now out of the shower with your hair dried and already changed in clothes.

You were wearing a sky blue dress that was slightly off the shoulders, and your hair was up in an elegant knot with a few hairs dangling down your beautiful face.

"Hi." You awkwardly smiled. He eyed you from head to toe, and you got a bit uncomfortable. It was your first time wearing these kind of clothing. "You look absolutely... beautiful." he said. Your face got warm. Again.

"Thanks," you said while the both of you walked towards the door. "It's actually my first time wearing these kinds of clothing." you added. The hatter chuckled. He opened the door, and the warm breeze caressed your skin.

"Now, ready to go on an adventure in Wonderland?"


Word Count: 926 (except for this a/n lolol)

Wow, I can't believe that I reached this amount of words in a chapter 😂 I hope I can do the same for the upcoming ones!

I just had to add another cute moment with you and the Hatter. (/ UwU)/

Aaannddd before I leave, I just want to thank everyone who's been reading and leaving lovely comments along the way. Ilysmmm 💖

Peace out!


Tea, Hats, and The Hatter (Mad Hatter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now