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Sasha and Lux tilted their heads back as they quickly downed the liquor, next sucking the salt on their left hands. Sasha grimaced, next shaking her head to grasp the taste.

"I told you, you can't beat me" Quan laughed, as he crowned himself the king of shot pong, which was basically beer pong with stronger liquor.

After making a bet that they wouldn't lose to the boys, Sasha and Lux had to drink three shots back to back which didn't even count the ones they drunk when they missed the cups. It was safe to say they were both now drunk, and this was Sasha's first time being fully intoxicated.

It was a little after one, and while the party was still going on it began to thin out. Sasha was exhausted, and had definitely done enough to say her first party was one to remember.

Sasha decided to take a seat on the couch while Lux finished talking in the living room, and was too out of it to realize Jaz staring her down from the other side of the couch.

"You okay" the girl asked, brushing Sasha's hair out of her face.

"Mhhh" Sasha raised her head slightly, "Yeah yeah I'm okay"

"This was a fun party" Jaz smiled and Sasha smirked back.

She didn't know what she was smiling at, but at that moment everything was amusing.

"Thanks" Sasha nodded and began to laugh.

"You have such a pretty smile, oh my god did you have braces before?" Jaz asked, playing her with own ponytail.

"Yeah, I did. Freshmen year, yo I looked crazy as hell" Sasha began to laugh again, "I'm talking, rail road mouth"

The girl began to laugh flirtatiously and moved her way over closer, "Well your teeth are perfect now, so it was worth it. You have 2nd lunch right? I see you sitting with some of the guys some time"

"Really? Why don't you sit with us?" Sasha shrugged.

While she was just being nice, she didn't realize she was being too nice to the girl who had been crushing on her for a while unbeknownst to her. Sasha's eyes hung drunken as she waited for the girl to respond, her mind still fuzzy from the liquor.

"I can" Jazz smirked, "Here, give me your phone"
Sasha did as the girl said, and Jaz entered her number and saved it.

Just as she began to hand it back Lux sauntered up, her eyes damn near burning through Sasha.

"What?" Sasha scrunched her brows, not knowing where she messed up.

Jaz smirked, as she knew good and well the two had something going on. Jaz was used to being the one that everyone wanted to get close to, but once Lux arrived that all went out the window. Seeing that she had successfully bagged Sasha, it felt good knowing she looked good enough to compete with lil miss Lux.

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