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(pls excuse typos)

        Christina Milian's Gonna tell everybody played in the background of Lux's dim room, and besides the somber music the only noise was the sound of her muffled cries escaping from her pillow. For her not to be much of a crier, Lux was soaking her pillow and for the first time she could truly say she was hurt. She had never been heart broken before, and even something as simple as a kiss had her teenage world crashing down.

It was safe to say she would never expect Sasha to cheat on her, and it evident that she was no longer the sweet girl from the first day of school. From cutting class to hanging with the guys more, Sasha had become sucked into what it was like to be popular, and the fact that she was now soliciting other girls told Lux she no longer needed her.

Lux began to cry even more at the thought of her crying in the first place, because she hated being emotional. It didn't help that her cycle was right around the corner, and she told herself that was the reason she was so distraught. Otherwise she wouldn't be caught crying over anyone, she was the Lux Connelly. She didn't need anyone, she had always been a lone wolf in a world of nothing but dogs, and just like everything else in life she told herself this too shall pass.

Unfortunately that didn't last, as her phone lit up displaying the picture of Sasha she didn't get the chance to remove from her screen saver. She twisted her mouth, only to burst out in tears once more.

Just then a knock at her door came, and she pouted since company was the last thing that she wanted.

"Go away!" She shouted, picking her head out of her pillow briefly.

"You sure...I have ice cream" Don cooed, "Butter pecan to be specific"

Lux tilted her head up, "Do you have pretzels?"

"Of course what kind of monster what I be if I bought you ice cream and no pretzels?"

Lux didn't hesitate to raise to her feet, and she cracked the door open for Don to come in.

"I wouldn't say monster" she smirked.

Don tittered, and took a seat on the edge of her bed. Lux folded her legs under her plush blanket after hopping back into the bed, and the two began to dig into the tub of ice cream with their pretzel sticks.

"Lay it on me" Don told her after dipping his first pretzel.

"Lay what on you?" Lux asked cutting her eyes.

"You know, how you're feeling. I mean it's none of my business but I couldn't help but hear you I'm here if you want to talk" he shrugged, and while Lux didn't exactly want to talk about things with Don she was definitely in need of someone to talk to.

"I'm....processing" she said taking a deep breath, "the whole thing...and I just keep picturing it in my head. I wasn't even there, but you would think I was"

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