1 0 0

Once back at the beach house, hunter pressed his foot on the break and pulled the car to a stop, putting the car in park and turning off the engine, he waited a second before turning to me and saying, "Eve, we need to get out the car now" like he was talking to a scared rabbit, "We need to find out what's in that envelope, and do what we need to do to finish this, then you can help me figure how much money we need to pay on our electric bill, because if he did kill Sam, I want to see that fucker fry".

"Agreed" I said, all thou at this moment I wanted him to die over and over again , for what he had done to Sam, I didn't really feel like frying him penitentiary style was enough, but it was a nice start.

Hunter got out, and came to my side of the car and opened the door, he took one look at me and said "Fuck" then reached down and picked up into his arms and carried me into the house, as we sat me on the sofa, he was pacing back and fourth in front of me, I couldn't tell you what he saying, because, slowly vein by vein, cold ice was being replaced by the third option, all encompassing RAGE, it ran through my veins like an erupting volcano, the red mist had descended, i reached for my bag and opened the envelope , I didn't even look at the back, I didn't care, I wanted to rip through something.

I splayed the contents on the table.

A letter

A map

A blank sheet of paper

And a necklace with a yellow orb in the middle.

I looked at all of them, hunter was now silent, watching me, which to start with first, which one would Marcus start with, "What to do, what to do" I thought , "Fuck it" I said and grabbed the necklace, I pulled my hair out of the way and put it on.

As soon as I put it on, I was suddenly transported, to what looked like cavern, i was on the floor with hunter in my lap, I was cradling him crying, "Why did you have to kill him" I cried. suddenly I was transported to my fathers office and my dad was sitting behind his desk, a feeling of deja vu, hit me, i remember it now, "Eve, this is going to be difficult for you to understand" my father said.

"What do you mean daddy" ,I said.

"Baby I don't have a lot of time, all I want you to remember is fate, it can always change, it depends on what you want it to be, just remember fate is just that fate, I know you can fix it, your stubborn that way, I will always love you, I'm so sorry". no sooner had he said that the doors burst open and teams of man ran into the room and tackled him to the ground, one of them dragged me back, as I kicked and screamed as they dragged him away. "Remember fate is what you make it, change your fate". he screamed over and over as they cuffed him and dragged him away. Suddenly I was back in the living room with hunter, I pulled the necklace from my neck like it was on fire.

"What, what happened" said hunter, "Suddenly you were dead behind the eyes". he went to touch it, but I stuffed it in my pocket, "Nothing just a piece of junk" I said , I couldn't let him see, what the necklace revealed.

Next I opened the letter.

Hey baby,

I know your really angry I didn't let you come to see me

Hopefully you understand why

I Included everything you need to find what you seek

I can only hope one day you forgive me and Marcus

we really had no choice

Your happiness had to come first

Remember what i said about fate


I placed the letter on the table, and hunter picked it up and read it." What does he mean by your happiness had to come first".

"Not really sure", I said.

I picked up the map, its was a map of Egypt.

I picked up the blank piece of paper, I reached into my bag and pulled out my laser pen and pointed at the paper, looking to see if anything lit up, nothing.

"Got any lemons", I asked hunter.

"Yes, I always keep some in the fridge, be right back", and he took off, once he was out of sight, I flicked the pen to the blue light.

Washington library

level 5

7 89-1 6

I flicked the light off, just as hunter re-entered the room," I figured it out" i said , i had to see if it had anything incriminating on it before hunter looked at it, "See" I said as flicked the blue light back on.

" I guess that's what the library card is for" said hunter.

"Yes, but what do think it leads too" I asked him.

"It has to be some sort of clue, because it couldn't be the book, they knew we have been looking for it for years". said hunter, turning the paper over and flashing the blue pen again and finding nothing.

"Yes" I said "But it could be a clue to finding it".

"Okay well pack everything up were going to Washington", said hunter.

"Oh hell yes we are", I replied.

It took a day to get tickets, a hotel room, flight and car hire, and bags packed, but as soon as it was done , we took off with haste, sleep could wait, the feeling i felt with hunter dead in my arms was weighing down on me, the whole way there, I didn't sleep while we laid in the bed cuddled together, in the hotel room, i pretended too, but as soon as hunters breathe evened out, I stayed awake trying to figure out a way to save hunter from fates grasp.

As the first rays of morning slowly made there way across the room to our bed, i was still no closer, to figuring it out, and that made the rage burn more, somehow, someway id find a way to change fate, I had too, him dying was not going to happen, not on my watch, life without him, yes dad and Marcus had it right my happiness did depend on it.

Once we had had breakfast, we showered together, but we didn't fool around, i think hunter thought i needing taking care off because he wouldn't let me wash myself or him afterwards he wrapped me in a big fluffy towel rubbed me dry and helped me get dressed.

I told him I was okay, he just said "Shush baby let me take care of it". so I let him.

Ignoring his plea's for sustenance, I stood up and went to the window, "What to do, what to do", i said to the streets below, "Fuck it".

"There's my girl" said hunter.

I turned around at that and said "Were gonna follow the clues and see what turns up, too many people have died so far hunter, we have to see this through for them, to make their lives count".

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now