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"Opps sorry dad, come on hunter, to the next pool", I asked him.

We got out of the pool and went over to the other one, that's when I saw my dads face fall.

"Its okay dear, choose him as your guardian, he is younger than me, and if I die you can always bring me back, but its a one way trip for you two for immortality, I'm afraid", he said.

I took out the other book and put the pearl to the hole after touching it, and opened to the first page, i could now read this one, I guess I had sealed myself to both books.

I whispered as I held hunters hand "from the hallowed hills of Sinai, I call fourth the power to give immortality to my guardian", and a bright light came from my hand and travelled up and into hunter, then I continued "with this , I also seal my self to him", and suddenly the light travelled from him back into me.

"Wow, what the hell", said hunter.

"Nope not hell more like heaven, you and i are now as one entity, sealed with immortality", I replied.

"Immor what now" asked hunter as his eyebrows shot up his forehead.

"Immortality, as in you cant die, till we decide we want to", I replied back

"Shut the front door", said hunter.

"I am afraid she is quite correct, you both cannot die now, unless you will it to your daughter and her chosen guardian", said my dad.

"Our daughter , we are having kids now, what else did I miss", laughed hunter.

"No not yet silly, but we are now one entity, bound by love and devotion, it wouldn't have excepted you as the guardian, if you, well you already loved and were devoted to me", I said back.

"But what if we get divorced or something", said hunter.

"No can do , I'm afraid, stuck for eternity if we so wish it", I smirked back.

"Good job I want that then", huffed hunter.

"Are you mad I chose you, do you not want it", I ask.

"Oh I didn't say that, I most definitely do, but again the choice was taken from a man" he smiled.

"Oh shut up before I make you have periods", I laughed

"No freckin way, you can do that", he scowled.

"Anything less than true love and devotion and I just might" I laughed.

"She can't can she", hunter asks my dad.

"I always saw you as my son anyway, better not chance it", my dad chuckles." Come on lets get going you two, we still have a crazy women out there with a key".

"I thought it was useless" I said as I got out of the pool.

"Well it is useless, but we don't want a copy of it out there, now do we", said dad.

"No I don't suppose we do, besides I kind a want to look her in the eye, when we tell her its useless, I mean she did get Malcom to stab me, so she kind a deserves it", said hunter.

"Agreed", I laugh.

"How do we go about getting out with all the booby traps", asks hunter.

"Thanks to my new found knowledge, the same way we came in, we go back out". I say taking his hand, and we began to make our way back to the surface.

It was daylight when we reached it, but on exiting the tunnel we found the entrance full of service man, American service men.

"Shit how do we sneak past them" whispered hunter.

"Like this" and dad walked right out and walked up to the first soldier and said "tell the president its done".

"The who" said hunter coming out of his hiding place.

"Hunter, remember what we discussed, you are the keeper, they must never know its secrets, you know what you must say and do", i reminded him.

"The would be me", said a voice coming to the for front of the men, "The president of the united states, who is the keeper", asked the president.

"I am", said hunter.

"Are hunter is it, welcome, welcome", and the president walked over to hunter and shook his hand.

"Mr president" said back hunter.

"Now your the keeper, no need for last names, please call me Jack, hunter please!", said the President, hunter looked back over his shoulder and me and winked, deception complete.

"And who is this lovely thing", he asks hunter, pointing to me.

"Arrh that would be my fianc'e, Jack", he smiled at me.

"And you would be?", asked the president.

"Eve, sir", I smiled.

"Nice to meet you eve, jack at your service", he smiled and I stepped forward and shook his hand.

"So have you decided on who shall keep the secret of the keeper and the guardian and there resting place, yet", jack asked hunter.

"Yes, because both England and America shared the previous secrets, in keeping of the brother in arms momentum, we wish for it to continue, that is to say England shall have a copy of the book of secrets and one book shall be given to the queens hands only" said hunter.

"Excellent choice", came the female voice from behind the presidents men, "My loyal servants will endeavour to keep this in the correct hands, and deal with those who you deem not worthy", said the queen, "Elizabeth Regina", she said hold her hand out to hunter, and he quickly kissed it and said," Hunter and this is eve" before moving on to the president, of the united states.

"And the president should have another copy of the book of secrets, and one book, please both of you choose wisely", and hunter took both books from his backpack and held them out.

"You know I think ill have the book of life", said the president.

I chuckled and thought idiot.

"I will gladly take the book of the dead" said the queen.

"Cant get anything past her", I whispered to hunter, and he laugh coughed.

"I believe a women has made the wiser choice", and she winked at me and turned around.

"Ill be in touch on the wear a bouts of the books resting place keeper, come along boys time to go", and she started to walk away.

"What do you mean by that and the wink, what don't I know", asked the president to the queen.

"Oh do shut up jack, or when I die, I will ask god too give men periods", and she turned once more and winked at me, then turned back around and walked off with the president walking after her.

The muffled voices of the president pleading with her not too, could be heard off in the distance.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now