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"Oh my god this isn't going to work" said hunter.

"yes it will, trust me, I go up, you go around, I do my dance of the seven vails blah blah blah, ill hit the one on the left on the head and you hit the one on the right from behind, got it",I said

"Yes Jasmin", chuckled hunter.

"Oh my god I am dealing with a 9th grader right now arn't I?", I said getting out of the car.

"Maaaay be" said hunter getting out of the car.

"Go, just go already", and I pointed in the direction I wanted him to go.

"Only if you promise to war this outfit again, when this is all over", he smirked

"Fine, just go", and I headed back up the hill towards the guards.

"La La, La , well hello boys" I danced as I got near, were all boys 9th graders, because these two idiots, starting giggling, and elbowing each other like two school kids.

I danced this way and that with my vail and got closer and closer until I was right in front of one and then I reached up under my skirt and pulled out a large stick and hit the guard right on the head and he went down with a slump.

"Hey", said the other guard and went to grab his gun.

But hunter hit him on the head before h could reach it and also went down with slump.

"Hurry we don't have much time" I yelled and grabbed my skirt hems and made a run for it, pass the sign.

We ran in the dark, with no clue as to where we were going just following the path a head.

"Look over there, there's an entrance" said hunter pointing to a hole in the mountain wall.

We dashed inside, just as the guards began shouting off in the distance.

"There awake, lets find a place to hide till they have gone, look behind those crates over there",i pointed to the left about half way in the cave.

Hunter grabbed my hand and pulled me behind the crates and we crouched down out of sight, we heard the guards getting closer.

"What ever you do, don't sneeze or cough" whispered hunter putting his finger to his lips to hush me.

We sat and waiting and it wasn't long before the guards were in the cave flashing their flashlights all over.

"Looks like they never made it here, maybe they are further up the path, lets go", one guard said to the other.

"Okay but we better call it in first" said the other.

"They wont have made it any further, no one has ever made it past the second tunnel, and if they were trying , we would here them crying for help", said the other guard.

"Not if their already dead" said the second guard.

"Shit", whispered hunter, "they will be crawling all over this place soon, we have to find a way to get down that second tunnel".

"Lets wait while they leave to check the path, that should buy us time to figure it out" I whispered back.

"I don't think my flashlight is working properly", said one guard to the other.

"I told you to get a new one" said the other, "Come on lets check the path, good job my flashlight works".

Then the two guards walked back out the entrance, they waited till all they could hear was muffled voices off in the distance.

"Okay now, lets go" said hunter and grabbed my hand and headed further into the tunnel, it was dark and dank smelling.

"They were American, hunter", I said.

"How can you tell there not just really good at Rosetta stone" asked hunter.

"Because they used the word flash light, only American's call it that, most of Europe call it a torch" I replied.

"Why are the Americans, standing guard over this place, and not the Egyptian police" I asked

"Maybe they purchased the land rights" said hunter

"You can do that" I asked back.

"Oh sure, in some countries in economic hardship , they sell off land to help pay off the fiscal lending gap". said hunter

"The fiscal what, who are you and what have you done to hunter" I smiled back

"Fiscal lending gap, its the yearly report that countries produce to show they are paying on the loans they get from other more wealthier countries". replied hunter.

"What about all the sheiks they have here, there are loads and they are usually loaded", I replied back

"That's why they are loaded , because they make more money dealing from one business to the other, they don't touch the government, because they don't want the hassle of the government, what with the red tape and migrant workers and child labour and such". said hunter.

"That's awful" I replied back

"That's just global commerce" he replied.

"Look there is a light up a head" I said.

"Okay dokey" replied hunter.

We hurried towards the end of the tunnel.

"Stop, don't go inside yet, we have to make sure there are no booby traps", I said once we reached the next tunnel, we peaked inside, the walls were covered with concrete but holes in them, the floor was covered in tiles with Egyptian markings on them.

"Classic puzzle, the walls have arrows in them, and we have to figure out which symbols to step on, in order to not get fired at", I said

"Yep, I agree, but which ones" said hunter

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now