1 0 0

"Agreed, but I don't want you in danger", he replied.

"Agreed, but if we don't find what it is there looking for, we wont have any leverage to get our life's back, surely you see that",I said back.

"once you've made you mind, there's no stopping you, till you see it though", he said shaking his head with a smile.

"okay, so lets take inventory again", I said back, and we went through the items we had so far ,taking stock.

"I say we go to the library and see what we can find", I said.

"We've been there a hundred times, and found nothing, definitely not like the movie" said hunter.

"Yes well, Marcus and my dad found something therefore, we have to try again", I said.

He just nodded and we packed up and took to the road again.

After our car hire was taken care of, we took off for the library, we drove in relative silence, we parked and made our way to the library on foot.

Something accord to me then, "perhaps we've been looking at this all wrong" I said.

"I'm listening" said hunter.

"the other times we just pulled back random books, and found nothing, maybe its more than that, its a library right". I replied.

"Yes, were are you going with this" he said.

"Well library's like system's don't they" I said hoping he could see where I was coming from.

"Well yes" was all he said.

Huffing because he wasn't getting it, I said "Look if library's have systems A to b and numbers in between, then maybe that's what we need to, follow the number on the paper".

"But we've done that before" he said.

"No" I said.

"No" he said.

"No I mean literally, we have to pull back the book numbers on the paper, may be the sequence is the key" I said back

"Its an interested thought, a key within a key" he said.

"Exactly" I said.

"Well lets see, we are here now, so lets find out" said hunter as he pulled me through the doors of the library.

It didn't take us long before we made it to right floor, the 5th floor was pretty quiet , I was mostly librarians , walking around replacing books.

"Ok, what do we do now" said hunter.

I reached into the backpack and brought out the note and my pen and flicked on the blue light.

"Look at the time I thought it was strange, but see there are spaces between the numbers" I said.

"yes 7 space 89 and between the 1 and the 6" he said looking over my shoulder.

"Yes so lets start on isle 7" I replied.

We made our way to isle 7, and stood and stared at it. "okay next number is 89" said hunter and we made our way to number 7-89, it was a book on stolen art, "Nice one dad" I said as I pulled the book from ledge. we waited for something to happen, when nothing happened hunter said, "Well that's a bust".

"Not necessarily what are the other numbers" i said.

"1 and 6" replied hunter

I quickly walked back to 7-1 and pulled the book and then I went to 7-6 and pulled it too, no sooner had I done it, something clicked behind 6 and the books around it moved back and another shelf moved forward re-veiling a little square shelf with a beat up old leather bound book.

I looked at hunter, he looked at me, both silent for a moment, could this be it, the thing we have been looking for, since we first watched the movie in his basement all those years ago.

"I cant look" I said to hunter indicating with a finger to the book.

Hunter made his way over and reached inside and grabbed the book, we quickly untied the knot that was around it, and opened and flicked through it.

"Eve, I cant even, we did it" said hunter.

"We did" was all I could say

"Hell yes we did, what do we do now, take it with us to read it, or read it here", said hunter.

"What to do, what to do", I said, "Fuck it, we take a look now", i said.

We sat down

"I wonder what's on page 47" he chuckled.

"Like the movie, lets have a look", I replied.

He flipped to page 47, he opened the book wider and shoved the book in my face

Attached to the page was a piece of parchment paper which read.


Nec Uvit


Dominae Suae

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now