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After we made arrangements and we were on our way, I spent most of the flight to Rome, when he wasn't asleep, that, no, he would look good in orange, and he would be okay because they would put us in gen pop and he was pretty enough to be some gangs bitch boy as he put it, that we would be fine and I would put it back as soon as we came back.

He eventually relented and give in, and downed several little bottles of whiskey, and fell back asleep, I watched while he slept, wondering how lucky he would be if he was jail , rather that , than the fate I was shown he was gonna have, I did not sleep, all thou I was bone weary, I just sat and tried to figure a way for the fate not to happen, maybe a bullet vest, or make sure he never went into that cave was the answer, but I knew fate was a bitch and she would find a way, for it happen the way it was supposed to happen.

Once we landed in Rome and hunter hired us a little car, and mean little the thing was smaller than a mini hunter looked completely stupid in it, he was huffing and puffing trying to get the car seat to move further back, I couldn't help but laugh, he was so miffed when it wouldn't go any further back.

"Fuck this car, I swear she was smirking at me" he huffed speaking of the lady at the car hire centre.

"Probably was" I replied, "If it wasn't for goo-goo eyes she made, and her phone number she gave you, I might have agreed more".

"Laugh all you want, but your gonna have to drive too at some point" he replied with a smirk, before cranking the little tin can, and took of for the road.

"Mmm hmm" I said, that was totally not happening, I don't drive, I get driven, I thought to myself.

"Okay look at the map, navigator, where do we go", he replied.

"Okay lets check out the basilica first", I said.

"Okay" said hunter rolling his eyes as he tried several times to get the car to change gears, but eventually he got the hang of it, and we made our way there.

We parked the car and stretched after sitting in the tin can.

"So what does that map say", said hunter stretching as he put his arms up so went his t- shirt and I got a glimpse of his stomach muscles, oh my! , a well muscled man can put all the girly rights to right.

"Huh, oh yes, map", I said as he smirked at my obvious ogling.

"Yes map" he replied his eyes looking at my mid-drift which was too now riding up because of my stretching, I looked down to were his eyes had gone and quickly pulled my t-shirt down and smirked back.

"okay the map says we have to take a right" I said and he locked our vehicle and joined me on the street's pavement and took my hand in his.

"Okay lets go, see what we can find", said hunter.

Once inside, we ogled at the wall to ceiling intricate paintings and mosaic's, but even as we looked at the angels we knew that whatever we were looking for wasn't here.

"I imagine plenty have stopped looking once they got here, its so beautiful", i said.

"yes, look see that, it was supposed to have been made form the real wood from the crib, Jesus was born in", said hunter.

"So much pretty, so much gold in one place, but what I feel most is peace, its so serene, everyone should take a look in here at least once in there lives, its just... peaceful", I replied.

"Yes like heaven made it", said hunter looking around in awe.

"Hunter, I don't think this place would hold a stolen artefact, its just too pure in here, don't you get that feeling too", I said.

"Yes, I do, definitely nothing here, but peace", hunter agreed.

"Come on lets go, we have site two to get too", I replied pulling on his hand as he went to touch the gold encrusted case that housed the wood from the baby Jesus.

"Okay", he replied and took my hand and led us away and back to the tin can.

"Okay, so do you want to look around the grounds of the country estate if we can, or do you want too see the family tomb", replied hunter as we made our way to the second destination.

"Lets try the grounds first , get a lay of things", I said back.

"Okay, maybe the owner will give us a tour or something, we'll tell him we are doing a dissertation on it for grad school", replied hunter.

"Sounds like a solid lie, but I feel so bad doing it after we just found peace", I replied.

"Well maybe after we get what we came here for , I can take you back and you can find peace again", said hunter.

"yes I think id like that, but honestly, I'm dead tired, after we've been here I just want sleep", I said.

"Didn't you sleep on the plane", said hunter.

"Not in so many words , no", I said back.

"Oh okay, well we will go to hotel and get some sleep once were done here, we could leave fifth mile road till tomorrow if you want", he said.

"You want food don't you", I said smiling.

"Yes I kind a do", he said smiling back.

"okay , we will sleep , eat, and sleep again and come back tomorrow", I sighed thinking of sleep.

"okay well, were here, what do you think", hunter pointed to the grounds beyond.

"looks like a lot of grounds to cover before I can sleep", I huffed back, I really did need sleep.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now