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"Look", I pointed to the snake swallowing its own tail.

"The snake" said hunter

"Yes, in Egyptian that's the symbol for life and death and rebirth, lets see if I'm right pass me something to throw on it", I asked.

"Okay" and he looked around and found a small rock and threw it to me, and I threw it onto the snake tile, and nothing happened.

"See, no arrows, but hurry they must have everyone looking for us now, follow me, and we traversed the tiles all the way to the end of the tunnel, but when we got there was a wall with writing on it and a whole below it.

Hunter tried the key but nothing happened.

"Hurry, hunter we have to get this door open and through it before they come", I said

"Okay, I'm trying", he said

"Read 'the pearl is key reversed'", I said






"So turn the key around and put the pearl in first" I said

He tried but nothing happened

"Here give it to me", I asked, he did and I touched the pearl again it light up and I put the glowing pearl end of the key in the hole and the wall arose revealing another hallway beyond, we slipped under the door and as soon as we reached the other side the wall shut down behind us, ceiling us in.

"Well, so far so good, we always thought that the keeper of the books was a man", said hunter.

"Maybe his slave was a women, the real keeper of the books, I mean back then women were seen less than, it only changed after Cleopatra, so maybe she was the keeper, but he was the one who pretended before the pharaoh, that way if he was questioned for his secrets he wouldn't be able to tell, because he wasn't the real keeper, and didn't know how to open it" I said.

"Wow, so many lies", said hunter.

"To protect its secrets, it had to be that way", I said.

"You don't think men can keep secrets" said hunter.

"No, its not like that, its just that women have a higher pain threshold, I don't think men would be able to stand the pain of childbirth, do you?", I asked back

"We never got the chance to find out, god picked eve to test his theory out on" said hunter.

"He made her that way because he didn't want Adam to suffer, Eve didn't get a choice either", I barked back.

"Wow, women's rights, that's what your going with", said hunter.

"What ever when I go to heaven I'm asking god to make all men have periods too, would you like that equal rights", I laughed.

"Okay you got me there, but I'm just saying men can keeps secrets too", said hunter

"I thought you might back down, periods are bloody awful, I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy", I smiled.

"Good job he made you have all the lovely curves", he said pulling me too him and kissing me on the nose.

"Yes well he did make you with all these lovely muscles, so much stronger than we are" I smiled back, stroking his pecs and shoulders.

"Mmm" said hunter and kissed me.

"Come on, lets do this, we are wasting time, and I have a date with princess Jasmin", smiled hunter.

I swatted him lightly on the shoulder "Okay lets do this Aladdin", I smiled.

We both turned and looked into the room we entered into, the room was filled with trinkets and vases and stacks of shelves with books and scrolls on them, there were so many.

"Do you think this room is booby trapped too", said hunter.

"There is so much stuff here, I think its a booby trap in itself, to distract who ever should enter", I said.

"Yes I agree, but I don't think we should move anything from its resting place, just to be sure", said hunter.

"Agreed, lets look around the walls of the room and see if we see anything, out of the ordinary", I said back.

I took of to the left side of the room and hunter went to the right, and we met around the other end of the room, and both found nothing.

"Well that was a bust", said hunter.

"Mmm", I said back.

"What now", said hunter.

I looked back into the room, trying to think and then something looked familiar to me.

"Hunter is it me, or do you notice something", I said

He looked around and then back at me, "Nope", he said

"Look, they are rows of 7, the 7th has a snake swallowing its tail on it", I said.

"Yes that is something", said hunter.

We made our way to that isle and peeked down it, nothing but books., I looked back at the snake it had a plaque below which read.





And a hole below it.

"The blood of she" said hunter.

"Give me your pocket knife", I asked.

"Try the key first, before you hack it with a knife", said hunter.

"Just give me the dam thing", I asked holding out my hand.

He rummaged around in his pack and pulled out a pen knife," Here", he said.

"Thanks", I took the knife and pricked my finger and stuck my finger in the hole, all of a sudden the middle two rows moved apart revealing a trap door half way down the isle.

We made haste to the trap door and hunter pulled the latch and the trap door moved back revealing stone steps below.

"I guess we are going down the creepy steps", said hunter.

"I guess so", I said and began to go down the steps, the steps went down in a sort of corkscrew descent.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now