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We ran along time, zipping down this street and that, then eventually the run slowed to a jog and then to a walk.

"What are we gonna do hunter, Malcom and the government, and lets not forget the police, we need to get out of Italy, but the government will be watching train stations and airports", i asked.

"Don't worry, while I was on digs we had to bribe a lot of officials, to dig in places the government didn't want us too, I'll contact a friend of mine and they will have us a car and a way to travel to Egypt before you know it".

"What Jeff", I laughed.

"Yes, Jeff is really good at what he does", said hunter.

"Keep under 3 minutes", I mocked rolling my eyes.

"Why", said hunter.

"Because you daft brush, they already know about Jeff, and they will be tapping his phone", I said.

"We always use encrypted email, to talk, wont matter if they find the email, they wont be able to crack it, and even if they eventually do, we will be in Egypt by then", smiled hunter.

"Of course", I said rolling my eyes again, so hunter, ever since we were little he was always the fixer.

He tapped away on his phone, and several minutes later, we had a car on it's way and a private plane to take us to our destination.

The plane was really nice, nice white leather chairs and a bedroom in the back.

"How does Jeff own this", I say.

"Jeff knows a lot of people, he has done a lot of jobs for some really rich people, they pay well" replied hunter.

"I think I like Jeff", I say as the attendant brought me a drink of vodka and pineapple.

"Yes, me too", said hunter receiving his whiskey.

"Should we look now, or wait till we reach Egypt", I smile taking a sip.

"Mmm let me see, bedroom now", said hunter grabbing his backpack and the drink.

"Coming now", I smiled grabbing mine and my drink too.

We got comfy on the bed, and put our drinks on the nightstands, and grabbed our packs.

I took out the key, and he took out the books.

"Okay here goes", I say, and put the key to the book, as soon as I do the latch opens, opening the first book.






"The book of the dead", says hunter.

"Then the other must be the book of life" I say taking the other book placing the key to the indentation and the locks opened, I prayed the first page open and it read.





"The book of life", says hunter reading over my shoulder.

"hunter, do you think these are real or fake", I ask looking at him.

"If they are , we are deep shit", says hunter looking back at me.

"Agreed", I say closing the book, and he closes his.

"Look they if they are real , lets just say for example ,then they are null and void without the room in which to use them", I say.

"Well if they are real, they could lead us to the room in which to use them, which brings us back to the deep shit part again", says hunter.

I think of two things then, if they get in the wrong hands, that person could destroy the world and second it could use them to save his life.

"We have to find it", I say.

"Are you mad, why, lets just put them somewhere no-one can find them and be done with it", hunter replies.

What do I say to that, honesty it is.

"Hunter, there is something I haven't told you", I say.

"What", says hunter.

"God I meant to fix this and you never find out", I reply.

"okay now your scaring me", says hunter.

"Because you should be, back at the beach house when we got that stuff from Marcus's safe. do you remember the necklace, well anyway when I put it on , it showed me your death, and my father saying fate is what you make it". I say sadly.

He jumped from the bed and then said, "What do you mean you saw my death".

"The necklace shows, you your future and your past", I say.

"Well then , lets change fate, I don't feel like dying I have shit to do", said hunter.

"If it was only that simple, do you remember that movie, final destination, and how it shows us no matter how we try to thwart fate, it finds another why for it to become true", I reply.

He sits on the bed with a huff, "So there's no way to change my fate then", he huffs.

"I will find a way, hunter", I say putting my arms around his neck and pressing my body to his, "I promise you ,Ii will see fate thwarted".

"It will only find another way", he declares.

"Look we will go to Egypt, find this place, perhaps something there will help me to stop this, event from happening", I smile into his back and kiss his back gently.

"Your father and Marcus new didn't they, that'[s why they kept me from you", says hunter.

"Yes I believe they did", I reply, "but they gave us a way to change fate, so that's what we'll do, remember when he said my happiness depends on it", I say.

"Yes", said hunter.

"Well, we found our way through, I'm sure Marcus and my dad new there own fates, but they didn't know when, so they made us a path to follow, in order to change it, so we will go to Egypt, and find the room, and change our fate, because it is our fate hunter, losing you, I would never recover, I love you hunter, I always have, and I always will", I plicate.

He turns around and grabs my waist pushing me back on the bed and lying on top of me gently and says, "and I love you too, always have, all ways will", and he kisses me, a kiss of home, of togetherness , of love, "always, in this life or the next".

"lets not make it come to that", i say kissing him back.

"To Egypt then" he says and kisses me again.

"To Egypt" I reply and pull him closer, kissing him back harder this time.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now