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"Place him in the water on the right", he said, this whole time I hadn't even thought about why there were 2 pools down here.

"Right", and I undid my dads feet so he could help me pull hunter to the pool.

"But why the right, should we do the pool of life on the left", I asked.

"Its always right, that's the pool of life, 'on the right side of life'", he sings," get in with him".

"Okay, but its ' always look on the bright side of life", I sing song back.

"Touch the pearl, put it in the book of the dead", I said next.

"Errh don't you mean book of life" I asked.

"No common misconception, book of death if you want to bring them back from it, and book of life, if you want to extended it". he smiled.

"Okay, that kind a makes cense, wait are you telling me that the left is the fountain of youth", I asked in awe.

"Exactly, can you image, it in the wrong hands, its been guarded for centuries, by our ancestors, each key is handed down to the first born female, and in this case that's you dear". my dad said.

"But they have the key" I replied.

"Fat lot of good it'll do her, you see, I mistakingly told her one night while I was drunk, about where I would disappear off too, and why, and I guess greed took over, she wanted to live forever, she thought she only had to drink from the pool, and she would live forever, but once I found out about Malcom I forgot accidently on purpose the rest of the ritual and locked her down here, well the key that can be replicated, its the pearl that holds the power, to work, place the pearl on the book to open it" he smiled.

And I did after it touched it to light up the pearl.

"See already a natural, it has chosen you already".

I opened the book and saw a language I had never seen before.

"Jesus had a women, you know her as Mary Magdalene, she was a keeper of the cave, she even used it they say in the hall of records to bring back Jesus", he said.

"Wow, that's huge, so we are related to her", I asked.

"Well she was related to eve, so really we are related to her", he replied.

"Wow so many lies", I said back

"Well needs must" said dad, "Okay first seal your self to the book of the dead".

"How", I asked

"If you are a true keeper, you have the answer", said dad.

"You mean, you don't know" I asked back

"Nope all true keepers have the answer, they just kind a know what to do, my mother said, men can never hold the secret". he replied back

Then a memory of my grandmother came to mind, we were sitting in the garden, I was playing with buttercups and my parents were arguing in the house, when she said to me "Remember blood is always thicker than water".

"Mmm I always wondered where that saying came from", I said aloud.

"What saying" said dad.

"Oh nothing, just thinking of gran", I smiled and quickly turned around before he could see what I had done and pinched my finger where I had used the knife earlier and smeared my blood on the first page, suddenly the page lit and the blood just disappeared, seconds later the writing changed into English.

"Look dad, II did it", and I turned the book so he could see.

"Did what exactly, nothings changed, just a bunch of writing I can't read" replied dad.

"What do you mean, cant you see what it says, its in plane English", I replied

"I guess only the keeper can read it", said dad.

"Well shut the front door, this is epic", I laughed.

"Stop laughing and hurry up, hunter won't last much longer", said dad.

"No matter, even if he was I have the power to bring him back", i smiled.

"Okay here goes", and I whispered.

"From the hallowed hills of Sinai, I call fourth the power of heeling, to bring what was destined back from the brink", and I touched hunter in the chest, just like the book had told me, my hand lit up and his wounds began to heal themselves.

"I did it", I shouted

"Excellent my dear, your the true keeper, now get him up and hop in the other pool", he said

"Why", asked, then suddenly the book showed me why, I was transported back in time to eve talking with god, about how she was the keeper and Adam was the guardian, both were given the gift of ever lasting life, but as they had a girl and a boy through there union another keeper was chosen, but only to take place when the others had passed, eve asked god how this could be if she was immortal, and god told her that when ever she was ready to hand over the mantel to her daughter, once she had come of age, that it was her choice to hand over the secret to immortality, and if she so wished to undue to immortally ritual for herself and her chosen guardian, then it showed me that the ritual could only be severed by removing the head from the guardian, and how to bring him back if she so wished it.

"I see", I said.

"You see what" said dad.

"What must be done", I replied, just then hunter said, "Could someone tell me what on earth is going on".

"Hunter, your alive", I cried and hugged my arms around him and kissed him on the mouth.

"Arh um", said dad clearing his throat.

THE BOOK OF SECRETS BY TRISTAN SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now