The White-White Seas and Meeting Conis

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As we all breathe kinda deeply after what just happened, Luffy wanted us to look out on the deck. What we saw wasn't the sea of the Grand Line, but a very white cloud-like ocean. Although we made it to the "sea of the sky," Nami shows that the log post is still pointing up. The crew, but mainly Usopp, starts wondering if people can still swim in this ocean as well. So, Usopp decided to go and dive into cloudy sea. I was about to warn him, but he already dove off the ship.

After a little while, Zoro states that Usopp hasn't came back up yet. Then, Robin wonders, "Just a thought, but... is there really... a sea floor?" That's when I tell them, "I was about to warn you guys about that. This sea... doesn't have a bottom, except for the Grand Line thousands of feet below us." They all start panicking as Robin and Luffy somehow grab and pull the sniper back onto the ship, along with a giant sky octopus and other types of Sky Fish. But, Zoro thankfully slices/pops one of the octopus' tentacles, and Sanji knocks a fish out with a powerful kick. Sanji then cooked a flat Sky Fish almost immediately.

Just then, the strange but special gift that I've had ever since I was born with picks up a person's presence -or voice that I've been told from the last time I was here. And there, we see a person with a weird mask on actually standing on the liquid-like clouds. The next thing we know, the dude is somehow running on the clouds towards us, jumps up, and actually defeats Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy! But then suddenly, a big, pink and black polka dotted bird swoops in as a man, who's riding the bird, in a knight's suit of armor with a long, grey beard and mustache attacks and gets rid of the attacker. The man introduces himself, "Oooh-- I am... the Knight of the Sky!!" although, I feel I've met him before as someone else.

We thank the Knight for saving us as Robin and I explain to the three that lost to the one guy that oxygen is scarce up here

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We thank the Knight for saving us as Robin and I explain to the three that lost to the one guy that oxygen is scarce up here. Then, the knight explains, "It can't be helped then... This place is 7,000 meters above the Blue Seas, called the White Sea. And 10,000 meters above your sea is the White-White Sea. The bodies of average citizens from the Blue Seas cannot handle it." "You'll get used to it soon. I've already been accustomed to it though." I add. Then, Luffy and Zoro say that they're already getting used to it as the Knight and I call bull.

The Knight then tells us that he's a freelance mercenary, that we're in a very dangerous part of the sea, as well as, "One whistle will cost you 5 million Extol, for me to come and save you!" None of us knew what he was talking about, -even I forgot how much Extol was in Berries- which kinda surprised him. But he says that he deeply respects our navigator, who has both courage and real strength, for getting us here via the Knock-up Stream. And then, Usopp tries to tell a lie that it was thanks to him that we got here, but Nami intervenes.

The knight tosses us a whistle for us to blow if we need his help and that the first whistle blow will be free as a gift. Then, Nami asks him for his name, and he replies, "I would be Gan Fall, the Knight of the Sky!!! This is my partner, Pierre (the bird)!!!" He explains and shows us that Pierre ate the "Uwa-Uwa (Horse-Horse) Fruit," and he becomes a Pegasus, but he looks a little bit off.

We soon get the Merry moving towards what looks like a waterfall of some sort. Then, we get blocked by more solid-like clouds. Nami had Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp look for a way to get through. And sure enough, they led us past the more solid clouds, and we see the gate Usopp was talking about: "Heaven's Gate." We had to stop Luffy from blowing the whistle so recently... multiple times... We then see someone who looks like an angel, but very, very old. The woman tells us that each of us has to pay an entrance fee 1 billion Extol as she takes a picture of us. And yet, we still don't know how much that is converted into Berries. Nami asks the lady what if we don't have any money, and she just replies with, "You can still go up."

Then, as Luffy asked how are we supposed to go up, something -a giant shrimp- below us grabs the ship and takes us all the way up to 10,000 meters above sea level. There we see, at the top, Sky Island. We soon dock our ship and walk onto dry... cloud? Luffy tries to eat a fruit, but before I could warn him, he already hurt himself trying to bite it. He then tricks Usopp into hurting himself as well, plus just tossing the fruit onto the long-nosed man's head.

Just then, we hear music from a lyre and see another angel, along with a cloud fox, on a solid cloud, playing said lyre.

Just then, we hear music from a lyre and see another angel, along with a cloud fox, on a solid cloud, playing said lyre

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She greets us and helps Luffy out with that hard fruit of his. As I'm watching and listening to the girl, I realize who she is and smirk. I then greet her, "Heso, Conis. Long time no see." Conis recognized me and exclaimed, "Kaito!! Heso!! I can't believe that you're back. It's been so long since the last time I saw you." as she hugs me. My friends - but mostly Sanji, who seems a little ticked for some reason- ask me how I know Conis. So, I answered, "Conis and I became friends when I came here with my parents ten years ago."

Conis tells us that if we have any problems, she'll help out. Then, Sanji says this, "Yes, I have a problem. Your gaze burns a hole in my heart " Although, Nami grabs his ear and I whap him upside the head and tell him, "Please stop hitting on my friend." While Sanji walks away agitated, Nami asks Conis that she wants to know more about this place.


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A/N: 1,125 words.

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