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"..." someone talking

''...'' sign, title, note, write

'...' thinking


It is a quiet and cold night. The wind is gently playing with the branches of the nearby trees. It is dark. The only light is coming from the full moon in the sky far above the village. Not even the slightest light can be seen from all of the houses. It seems that everyone is fast asleep. Suddenly, a light appears from a far. And another. And another. In a moment there is a whole lot of lights moving in unity. The light comes from a torches that are carried by a bunch of people. The light from the torches is reflecting from the metal of a forks, kunais and shurikens. It looks like it is a witch hunt. But wait! There is a little boy not more than 4 in front of them. Are they seriously trying to catch that little child?

That boy has a short golden blond hair and beautiful crystal clear turquoise blue eyes. He is not even dressed properly for the cold weather. The only things that he is wearing is torn blank white T-shirt with short sleeves and orange shorts. He doesn't have any boots nor socks for that meter to cover his feet. He does appear a little scared but is still a strangely calm like it has happened many times before. He is running pretty fast but does not appear to be exhausted although his pursuers show rather big traces of exhaustion. From the other side of the road comes another group of villagers with the same expression in their eyes. Hatred, disgust and not a single sign of forgiveness in their eyes. They are screaming names like fox brat, demon or monster. Well probably not screaming too loud because none of the ANBU noticed them jet. It is probably because there are shinoby chasing him as well and they must be muting the noise somehow. At least that's what the boy is thinking at the moment.

Naruto's point of view

'They are chasing me again. Even thou Jiji-san warned them not to pursue me. They stopped for about two weeks but guess my nearing birthday triggered it. It has probably something to do with the fact that October 10th is also the day when the nine-tails attacked the village but I still don't get it. Maybe I am the ni-NO! That is ridiculous! I would know about that!... Or would I?'I run into the nearest alley as the other crowd is getting nearer in hope that it is not a dead-end. 

'OH NO! IT IS A DEAD-END. I DON'T WANT TO GET BEAT UP AGAIN...NOT AGAIN' My mind starts to cloud with fear. I am starting to tremble. When I was running I still had a hope that I will get out of this so I stayed calm since I am very determined but when I am backed into a corner fear just overcomes me. But I am not going to give up that easily. I already learned not to show a sign of pain by screaming since it only looked like it was pleasuring them witch only caused me to receive more pain. 

'THEY ARE GETTING CLOUSER!' First thing to hit me is a blow to the head sending me to the hard cold ground. Then about four legs starts kicking me hard on the ground. Some of them starts to spit on me while others are standing in line waiting for their turn still screaming disgraceful things to me and saying that I killed their families and close ones and that they are going to finish what the fourth Hokage started. Some kunais penetrate my legs and hands as I try to kick and cover my face. After about hour and something without me screaming even the slightest bit (of course that I was whining, whimpering and maybe some tars rolled down my cheeks. I do feel the horrible pain ya'know) and they finally gave up and went home. I was left there, my body covered in blood witch my cloths soaked in it too. The once white shirt looked like a red one with no trace of white anywhere. The cold air was making me shake although the pain had greater share in it. I rolled into a ball my body full of cuts and bruises. My mind returned to my body as I started realizing that I am still alive. I couldn't move my limbs as they were tightly pressed against my body and my muscles would not response. 

'Is it over? Am I safe again? Are the ANBU going to finally find me and take my to my Jiji-san?' I asked myself with a soft low voice in my mind. Suddenly a pair of warm hands wraps around me and lifts me from the ground harshly. I can see his face. 

'So it is not an ANBU? Who is he? Is he going to hurt me too or bring me to the hospital and save me?' Than his eyes met mine and the answer was clear as a morning sun. They were full of hate and disgust just like those of the others. 

'He is one of them than.' Sharp pain hits my heart. 

'He is going to finish me. My body can't take any more.' And another hit. 

'I am going to DIE!' Than it strikes me full force and I tear my eyes away from his gaze and close them. He jumps at the top of the wall and starts running from roof to roof. My body not giving any resist, just leaves being carried away. Away from my home, from my village, from my Jiji-san.

He stopes. I finally open my eyes and find myself in the middle of the forest in front of a small house. He walks in. Shuts the door. Locks them. We are going down stairs. And into a cellar. It is dark. I can't see anything. He reaches for something. The lights on! It was a switch. I look around. Shock is send throughout my brain. The cellar is full of sharp objects like needles, knifes, kunais, shurikens, swords, axes, forks and at each of the four stone walls are chains with cuffs. At one place with chains is set a table. On it are different kinds of knifes set from smallest to the biggest and a few vials filled with... probably poisons of all kinds. It is scary. He hangs me by hands at the place witch the prepared table. My blood is all over him. He kneels down and chain my legs as well. Than, he starts staring at me with those hateful eyes. A creepy grin appears at his face. He starts to laugh like maniac. 

"FINNALY I GOT MY HANS ON YOU, YOU MONSTER! THOSE ANBUS ALWAYS STOPPED ME FROM GETTING TO YOU." He screams right into my face witch scares the living hell out of me and sights deeply. 

"Curse those blind idiots from protecting the monster that destroyed our village and killed all those families as well as mine." He said now with a little calmer voice. He reaches for the smallest knife and picks it up to my neck. My eyes widen with fear. My heart beating even faster and my breath starts escaping my lips in small fast huffs. He smirks and pulls the knife across my shirt cutting it in half. With one blow of a hand he tears the ripped shirt from me revealing my naked thin chest. Than he slides the knife into my skin slowly pulling it to a different sides. I remain quiet, trying to keep in the scream that is just at my lips and I am just swirling around in pain, witch seems to angry him even more turning his smirk into a glare with hint of surprise in it. He continues sliding the small knife across my chest. When he is done I look down at my chest covered witch fresh blood and see that he engraved ''MONSTER'' into my chest. My breath starts to calm down a little as he starts leaving the room. 

'It seems I am going to live, at least for now' I thing before finally giving into all the pain. But before my mind completely fades away I can hear him say his last words that sands another sharp pain throw my heart. 

"Don't worry. In 3 days I will put you out of your misery. It is the most merciful thing you could ever hope for. YOU WILL BE DEAD AT LEAST. And I will be the hero who saved the village. So there is no point in not screaming a little. You could at least give me that much for my generosity. Don't you thing?" He said leaving the room with laughter. 


first story I ever wrote on wattpad begins

I know  am not very good at writing but who would expect more from me 

I am just a 15 years old girl from small country in europe and I still have a lot to learn about writing

even so I hope you enjoyed the story and you will continue on reading

chapter 2 coming right up 

and if you dont mind i would love to know your favourite anime since I am a big fan and I want to see as mutch of good animes as I can 

thank you!!!!!!❤❤❤

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