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H: ... -hokage

I: ... -Inoichi



Hokage's point of view

'Finally finished.' I look at the clock and it shows ''22.56''. I sigh deeply. 'I've been working since morning and I didn't get the chance to see my little sunshine.' I sigh again. 'I hope I will get to visit him and my other grandson tomorrow.' I think before standing up and walking out of my office. I am on my way home when suddenly two ANBU appear in front of me.

"Lord hokage. We are sorry to inform you that we are unable to locate the jinchu-I mean your grandson. He isn't in his apartment and we are unable to sense his chakra anywhere in the village." --'WHAAAT?!!!'-- I feel a sharp pain strike my heart.

"DID YOU FIND ANY TRACE OF HIM? HOW COULD YOU EVEN LOOSE HIM? I ASSIGNED YOU TO KEEP AN EYE ON HIM!!! DID THE VILLAGERS DO THIS?!" I scream at them, on one breath, every question that came across my mind in that one second, clearly showing my anger. They both jump up like a scared cats and back down a few steps, trembling in fear for their lives.

"We are sorry lord hokage. We were watching his every step until 10 p.m. , when he came in front of his apartment. We thought that it would be ok to leave since he was already safe. When we went back to check on him, after our smoke break, we couldn't find him anywhere. How ever, when we used one of our tracking dogs, he found some of his fresh blood in one alleyway. The trail leads nowhere, even the dogs couldn't pick up his scent. That means whoever did it must have been an experienced shinobi. Luckily there aren't any shinobi from other villages in our village today so it must have been some of our shinobi who did it, sir." Answered one of them fast in scared voice that resembled a little kid trying to get out of problems and laughed sheepishly at the end showing just how nervous he was. I decided to keep my cool this time even thou I was extremely mad that they haven't informed me as soon as they found out and gave them orders to get all the available ANBU to go search for Naruto. I returned back into my office and slammed the door so hard that I broke them and let my rage take over.


"HOW COME NON-OF YOU IS ABLE TO FIND HIM!!! You are the best shinobi our village has and you aren't even capable of finding one child?!" I growl at them in demanding voice. All of them look like a scared children just bowling to me without any words. I look at them with anger in my eyes.

'If ANBU aren't capable of finding him, does that mean that the one that kidnaped him was or is an ANBU?' I think in my head and another wave of rage comes over me. I give them commands to bring those villagers that lost anyone during the ninetails's attack into the interrogation department and have their memories searched to find if they know anything about my Naruto's disappearance and to imprison those that have hurt him so they would be tortured after we will find Naruto. Right now we don't have time to torture them. We have to find him! We have to find my little sunshine!



"aarg!!!" I growl angrily as I sent all the papers from my desk flying across the room.

"AHN!" I hit my desk breaking it in half.

"Why can't we find him?!--ahhh." I am tired. I've been up for two whole days. And we still haven't found any lead on Naruto's disappearance. What we did found are 78 villagers that have been hurting Naruto since he was two years old. I'll make sure they will be tortured for life for this. I sigh once again. I've been doing that a lot lately just like I've been breaking my desk and other stuffs. Of course I had them get repaired right after. The smell of cigarettes can be smelled from me from a mile away. I sigh deeply as I remember how Naruto hates it when I smoke and how he always says that it is bad for my health. How can someone hurt such innocent creature like him? He is such a good boy always worrying about others, helping everyone and he even talks me out from hurting those that hurt him. He maybe doesn't get it why they're doing it to him but he always says that as long as I'll be there for him he'll be happy and nothing will change that, not even all the pain in the world. But right now, I am here and he is somewhere, alone, suffering. I can't stop thinking about that. My eyes are full of tears and I am at the edge of breaking down. Suddenly someone knocks on my door. I wipe the tears from my eyes and calmly say 'Come in' since I already know who it is and I don't want to worry them. The door opens and from them comes my daughter with my other grandson in her arms, calmly sleeping. I smile warmly at them and the saddens in my eyes almost disperses. Only the pain in my heart remains as I take my grandson into my arms...just like I did when with Naruto's parents-

Naruto the hidden ANBUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora