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'Kura. Can you borrow me some chakra. My sensori if failing and I am sure you want me to train with you today too.' Thought Naruto as his sensori was weaker and weaker every second.

''Sure. But don't depend on my chakra too much and also I will harden your training.''

'Of course.' And so Naruto received a boost of chakra from his fox friend or should I say mother. It was enough for Naruto to use sensori for around 10 hours.

When they arrived there was no one home. There was a note on the table in the kitchen saying 'We went out for a walk with Sasuke. Be back by 17 o'clock.' Itachi decided to prepare something himself and while he was preparing the meal Naruto obediently sat on a chair in the kitchen.

I: "You don't have to sit there. Why don't you go and have a look around the house?"

N: "No. I am ok here and I don't want to sneak around the house like an uninvited guest since your parents aren't home."

I: "Ok. If that is what you want. Did you already decided what you want for your birthday?" The one week the ANBU spent with Naruto really bonded them with the little sunshine and they knew almost everything about him too. 

N: "Yes. I am going to ask Jiji-san if he would let me try the ANBU exams as my birthday gift. I don't really have anything else that I would want from him."

I: "So you seriously want to become an ANBU? It is a hard job and it changes people. Especially if they are young and haven't experienced the feeling of a blood from someone else on their hands." (Itachi doesn't want to use the words 'death', 'kill' and 'murder' in front of Naruto since he is just a "baby")

N: "I still want to do it. I've been through a lot and I don't think I could live a normal life like other kids so I want to help the village from the shadows since the villagers wouldn't probably let me do it normally like the shinobi of the leaf."

I: "You are right. You are really smart for your age you know that? I will help you become strong and in the right time I hope we will meet in the ANBU."

N: "Thank you Itachi-nii." Naruto said as he ran to Itachi and gave him a hug but only on the legs since he is really small.

I: "Nii? So you take me as your brother?"

N: "Yop. You are just like an older brother. Taking care of me, encouraging me, defending me and helping me. And also you already gave me nickname and I wanted to give you one too."

I: "You take Naru-chan as a nickname? That is cute. Just like the Naru-chan you are." Itachi bent to Naruto and gave him a hug as well.

I: "The food is ready. It is not much since I am not a very good cook but it will do." He placed two plates with food on the table and he and Naruto sat to the table next to their plates. The meal Itachi prepared were just a lot of cut vegetables with boiled eggs and some fried meat. Really just a simple dish that can be prepared really quickly but for Naruto it was a really special food since he never ate a home made food and it was really tasty for him too since he loved vegetables. Naruto liked everything that grew from the earth if it were a vegetables or fruits or trees or bushes or grass because he loved nature and the calmness it gave him and he also loved animals of all kinds from the bugs to the beasts that live in the Forest of death that he just recently met. When they were done eating Itachi cleaned the table. It was around 15-16 o'clock.

I: "Do you want to go visit your teacher for tomorrow since we are done training?"

N: "Yes!"

I: "All right than follow me." They went to the village and stopped in front of one of the houses.

Naruto the hidden ANBUWhere stories live. Discover now