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My eyes starts squirming and slowly opening to the darkness of the room. I can't see any sign of light anywhere. 

'That means I am still in the cellar huh?' I question-note in my mind. I still feel the open cuts throughout my body and the dried blood around each one of them. 

'How come I am still alive if I lost this much blood?' Even thou I am still only 3 years old I already read every single book in Jiji's office thou he probably never noticed. There were also medical books so I know for sure that people usually dye after loosing so much blood and I am also just a child so I should be multiple times dead shouldn't I? Well I guess I shouldn't complain and just be happy I am still alive... Wait! Is it a good thing in my situation that I am still alive? I am gonna dye anyway and this way it will only hurt more...NO!!! I won't give up. There is still a chance someone will save me...



''crrreg'' Creaked the cellar door. It was the first sound I heard in 3 hour except for the beating of my heard and my light breathing. Hard steps followed soon after and the lights were on again. The same man from before appeared in the room and continued walking towards me. 

"Morning sunshine. Slept well? I see you are up already. I hope you weren't lonely without me." His words were followed with light maniac laughter. 

"Now. Where did we stopped yesterday? Oh, I know." He said reaching for needle and one of the vials. He put some of the content from the vial into the needle and pushed it into my neck while pushing my head to the side. My senses were suddenly sharp like before they were clouded by pain. I could see properly again, hear even smell which wasn't very comfortable since the cellar smelled horribly. And then I realized why he did it. My eyes opened in surprise. I could fell all the pain even more now. "So you realized it." He smirked and took another knife into his hand. This one a little bigger than the other with curled blade. 

"I heard that when someone loses one of his senses the other ones become stronger. Let's test that theory, shall we?" He said pointing to one of my eye with the blade. My eyes winded even more and my pupil must have been small as a pinhead from the fear. I was closely watching as the blade neared to my eye. His smirk was even bigger now and his eyes were also wide open with the scariest look I ever saw. I was trembling with fear and tried to turn my head to the side away from the blade and closed my eyes. That is when he grabbed my head and turned it back and I opened my eyes again looking in fear at his fading smirk and annoyance mixed with anger could be clearly saw in his eyes. This time he quickly pushed the blade into my wide open eye and I couldn't contain the scream that filled the whole room. I was screaming at the top of my lungs. Both of my eyes shut close in the pain. He started laughing as strong as he could and hit me in the face. 

"FINALLY YOU DECIDED TO ENTERTAIN ME A LITTLE!!!" He screamed in between his laughter. That was when I told myself I won't give in and won't give him any more of my screams. I closed my mouth and bit my lips like I always did when the villagers were torturing me. I slightly opened the healthy eye and looked him in the face with tears rolling down from both my eyes. He looked at me in disbelieve and anger swept over him. 

"SO THIS IS HOW YOU WANT IT TO BE! FINE WITH ME! I WILL MAKE YOU SCREAM MORE!" He screamed grabbing my head again and pushing the blade into my other eye. This time I contained the scream in me and shut the other eye as well. Blood was dripping from my already bloody lips as I once again pierced them with my teeth. I could hear him roar with anger. Than the knife fell to the ground and I heard him pick up another one from the table and as before he started craving words into me. He was right. It does hurt more without my 5th sense plus the drug is still active. When he was finished with my front he released me from the cuffs only to turn me around and cuff me once again with my back facing him and started craving again. During this whole time I remained quiet again. At the and he was breathing hardly in exhaustion and turned me back so I would face him face forward. 

"Listen brat. I am not finished with you. I don't want you to dye too soon so I will wait until the cuts stop bleeding again and then we will continue in our little game because the time of your death is set on October 10th ." He said in between huffs (the sound of breathing). Then as promised he left me and came back in about 2 hours. The steps neared me as I heard him open some bottle. He grabbed me by the chin and forced me to open my mouth. Then he poured the content of the bottle into my mouth as I tasted it and realized it was just a clear water so I drank it all. After that I was left huffing for air. 

"This should do so you won't die of dehydration. Shall we continue?"...

This continued for probably 2 days and with every passed hour my hopes were fading more and more away . Even so I never gave in and did not gave him the plesure of hearing me scream. If I am going to dye than with pride and also what good would screaming do for me if noone is trying to find me.

'What was I thinking? No one cares about me? Why would anyone save me?' I was repeating in my head every time before I fall asleep and every time he left me to rest. I no longer have any hope and the time of my death is nearing. I am scared. I don't want to die!!!


chapter 2 as promised

I do not know when I will release chapter 3 but I promise it will be soon

maby even tomorrow if I will be home like today

again i hope you enjoyed the story 

and thank you for reading!!!❤❤❤

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