A New Home

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Our little Enid goes abroad! 

So many new adventures ahead.

I feel a bit like a proud mom, lol.

☼ ☼ ☼

The grand sign was the first thing she saw as the driver guided them onto the campus.

Incepto ne desistam.

"May I not shrink from my purpose."

Pennington University's campus was as old as it was magnificent.

She stared in awe at the buildings as they drove by. They were built with old stone, ivy growing up and along the sides.

Enid could almost feel the history vibrating beneath the earth as she climbed out of the vehicle.

The kind driver retrieved her bags from the trunk and helped her to carry them up to the dorm room she had been assigned.

Along with her acceptance, the school had mailed her student identification card, a schedule, and the key to her dorm room.

Due to her scholarship status, she was given her own, private space.

She was deeply grateful for this, as she had grown up an only child and had never had to share anything.

Especially with a complete stranger.

The thought of having to change in front of a girl she barely knew was enough to send her anxiety spinning.

It also meant she would be able to practice without worry of disturbing anyone.

Two hours left her room looking much more like a home than the jail cell it had resembled when she had walked in.

String lights lined with walls, casting a warm glow throughout the space. Her cello nestled in the corner.

A soft white duvet covered the bed that sat under the large window that took up much of the back wall.

She had placed her favorite stuffed animal, a rather chubby panda, on top of her pillow.

Photos from her childhood smiled at her from their taped spots on her walls.

A soft rug tickled her toes as she walked to the window.

The evening sky set the campus afire with reds, purples, and orange shades.

Enid released her long, red hair from the bun she had thrown it into.

She backtracked to the small kitchenette area and retrieved a bag of crisps.

Chips. She reminded herself. It would take her awhile to accustom to the American terms.

She curled up on the windowsill and watched the sun fade into the ground.

It was a whole new world to her.

It was a new home.

☼ ☼ ☼

A sort of rough idea of how I imagine Enid's dorm:

You can find more of the images I use as inspiration on the Pinterest I made for Up in the Stars!

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You can find more of the images I use as inspiration on the Pinterest I made for Up in the Stars!

My username is "Sapphox" or you can use this link:


As always, comments fill my heart with joy!

Love always, Sappho ☼

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