Field of Propositions

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Here we go!  The four all together.

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter.

I hope you enjoy!

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Enid was ten when her father first let her explore the woods around their home by herself.

On sunny days, she would escape to the dense forest and bask in the shaded breeze.

She would follow the sounds of the animals deeper and deeper in, brushing her fingers against the trees she passed.

On her third venture into the woods, she came across a grassy field.

It was tucked away like a hidden gem.

She loved it.

Prairie flowers and weeds grew together, and she loved them all the same.

She would spend hours there, often bringing a book and a blanket to read upon.

A wood nymph basking in the sun.

When she was twelve, she found herself in the field one evening much later than usual.

She had gotten lost in her book and hadn't noticed the time passing by.

It was well into dusk.

She gathered her things and was about to head home when a young deer darted out from the trees across the clearing from her.

Enid had always loved animals.

From mice to elephants, she watched endless documentaries about them.

Light honey brown with white spots and a small tail, she wondered momentarily if it was a dream.

The ethereal sight called to her.

Hesitantly, she approached the doe with her hand outstretched.

The deer's large, innocent eyes gazed back at her with surprisingly little fear.

Just as she was about to reach the beautiful animal, a loud growl came from the woods before her.

Her heart raced.

The deer glanced toward the forest and then back at Enid.

Ears flattened, it pressed its head against her hand.

Almost as though urging her to leave.

Enid stumbled back slightly, just in time for a huge wolf to come jumping out of the foliage.

The deer's eyes widened with fear.

In the split of a second, it had darted to the other side of the clearing.

The dark wolf chased quickly after, a flash of night racing by and then they were both gone.

Disappeared into the trees.

Enid clutched at her chest, her heart hammering in her rib cage.

She stood for a moment, collecting herself.

When she returned home that night, she vowed to never return to the field again.

As Enid stood in the center of Dr. Romano's office, she thought of the deer.

She was in the center of their makeshift triangle, effectively boxing her in.

Simply being in the room with them was overwhelming.

Enid had felt the unquestionable intensity from the men when she had been near them individually.

Being with all three of them at once was a completely different experience all together.

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