Taken Care Of

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There probably will not be another update up until Monday!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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The dean's office was housed in the faculty building on the northern end of campus.

It was expansive, with large windows looking out at the sprawling campus grounds.

Photos of generous donors and esteemed alumni hung proudly on the walls.

Enid tried not to stare as the dean, a balding man wearing a tweed suit a size too small sat down behind the desk.

Dr. Drewitt and Dr. Romano sat beside her, dwarfing her small frame on each side.

Dr. Easton stood behind her; his large hands warm against her shoulder blades as he clutched the back of her leather chair.

"So, gentleman and lady, what brings you to my office?" Dean Thomas's thick southern accent startling her.

His slightly beady eyes landed on her and she felt a shiver run down her spine.

She opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by him snapping his fingers.

"That's it! I knew I recognized you. You're the cello player the music department has been so excited about!" His twang turning the "you" into more of a "yew".

She smiled uncomfortably and nodded.

"Yes, I'm Enid McCarthy. It's nice to meet you sir." She introduced herself politely.

"Indeed, indeed. Quite a lot of talent you've got in that tiny little body I hear." He smirked, his mustache curling as he did.

She heard the professors surrounding her shift slightly and felt Dr. Easton's hands clutch the seat tighter.

"Enid is a remarkable musician and student." Dr. Drewitt cut in, his voice sharp and warning.

Dean Thomas stroked his mustache as he glanced at the three men surrounding her before looking back at her with increased interest.

"Mhm," he said, his eyes studying her, "and why are you three here with her?"

"She is a student of all of ours. We want to make sure that things get taken care of." Dr. Romano's usually amorous voice now guttural and commanding.

"What are you four needing exactly?" His fuzzy eyebrows curving with curiosity.

Fingers brushed gently over the exposed skin on the back of her neck, comforting her.

Strengthening her.

"I-I was attacked on Friday night at the bonfire. A boy tricked me and drugged my drink. He tried to- to..." Enid couldn't finish the sentence.

"He assaulted her. She managed to fight back and get away, but if she hadn't, I am positive he would have raped her." Dr. Romano finished for her.

She gave him a small smile of gratitude.

Dean Thomas leaned back in his plush office chair, lacing his fingers together before him.

"Did you know this boy?" He asked, watching her closely.

"No, I had never met him before. He asked me to help him find his glasses that he dropped, and he must have drugged my water while I searched." She responded shakily.

"Hmm. So, you don't know who it was?" The man's portly body languid as though they were discussing the weather.

"I don't know his name, no. But he was wearing a sweatshirt for one of the fraternities. Kappa Sigma." She explained.

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