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Lots of our favorite Italian man in this chapter!!

Hope you enjoy!

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When Enid awoke the next morning, she thought she was back in her childhood bedroom for a moment.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she recognized the cream ceiling of her dorm room.

She stretched her sore limbs, wondering why she felt like she had been hit by a train.

Turning onto her side, she became aware of a hushed whispering coming from the kitchenette area.

Her heart crawled into her throat.

She hesitantly slipped from the covers, grabbing her massive math textbook to use as a weapon if needed.

Poking her head around the corner, she saw a man's back.

Broad shoulders, earthy brown hair messy on his head.

"She hasn't woken up yet. No, no. She'll already feel strange enough with just me here. I don't know. I said I don't know yet. Okay. I'll call you when she does." She listened to his accented voice respond to whoever was on the other side of the phone.

He hung up with a sigh, his white button down stretching across his shoulders as he braced himself against the counter.

Determining she was not in danger, she placed her textbook on the counter.

Enid's head pounded.

She was far past confusion at this point.

She pinched her arm to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Dr. Romano?" Her voice was husky and rough from just waking up.

He turned around quickly, his startled eyes finding her small frame in the doorway.

"Enid. How are you feeling?" He breathed, his mossy eyes studying her with concern.

"Um, I'm okay, thanks. What are you doing here?" She asked, wanting to demand answers but not wanting to be rude.

His face contorted, something between anger and sorrow.

"What do you remember about last night?" His voice gentle as he approached her slowly.

Enid's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Last night?

For the first time that morning, Enid glanced down at herself.

Her leggings were ripped at the knees, showcasing the bandaged skin beneath.

Her sweater was torn in multiple places, too, the pretty pink dirtied with earth.

As she went to touch her bandaged knees, she found that there were bandages on her palms as well.

She fought to breathe as the memories came flooding back.

The bonfire. A boy. Hands on her ribs. Running and falling and running.

A frantic voice on the phone.

Fear and pain.

And then warm arms around her, carrying her.

Enid's eyes shot back to his, wide with realization.

"How-how did you find me?" She choked on the tears that flooded to the surface.

She remembered asking for help, but everything after that was blurry.

"We tracked your phone." He stated calmly.


The three of them?

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