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Steamy scene with our favorite Psychology professor ahead!

Hope you all enjoy!!!

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Autumn was in full swing Wednesday morning.

Enid burrowed into her scarf as she rushed across campus.

A warm drink and a muffin clutched in her gloved hands.

By the time she sat down for her psychology lecture, she felt like a popsicle.

She had just taken a bite of her muffin when the sound of an exaggerated cough came from behind her.

Her shoulders tensed as she remembered the occupants of the seats behind her.

Turning with a grimace, she met the eyes of the two girls.

The brunette who had been asking for extra credit and her blonde friend.

Both staring at her with nasty facial expressions.

"How'd you do it?" The blonde's question biting.

Enid's eyebrows furrowed.

"Do what?" Her voice wary.

"The immortals. How'd you get their attention?" The brunette responded, her eyes rolling.

"I don't understand what you mean, I'm sorry." She apologized, still trying to be nice.

The dark-haired girl scoffed.

"I saw you in Dr. Easton's office. And our friend Sophie is in your writing class and says Dr. Romano's always staring at you. And we did some digging and found out you are the one student that has lessons with Dr. Drewitt this year." She held up a finger with each point as though proving something.

Enid's mind raced.

She was pretty sure Sophie was the girl who always flirted with Dante.

The one who had come in hungover one day.

"So. How did you do it?" The brunette annunciated each syllable mockingly.

"I'm just their intern." Enid said quietly, trying to fight the flush that was rising to her cheeks.

The two girls exchanged a look before the blonde leaned forward.

Her low-cut top making Enid blush as her chest was very close to being completely exposed.

"Which one of them are you sleeping with?" She demanded, one of her platinum strands getting stuck to her lip gloss.

Enid nearly choked as she inhaled quickly in surprise.

Her heartrate skyrocketing as her hands began to shake.

A loud noise came from the front of the auditorium, saving Enid from what was sure to be a stutter-filled denial.

All chatter in the room died, a silent hush falling upon the students.

She turned around quickly to find Theodore's icy eyes glare settled just above her head.

His arms were folded over his chest, the material of his suit jacket stretching tightly across his broad frame.

Enid wondered how much he had heard.

His eyes lowered to hers and she tried to read his mind the way her other professors seemed to.

He didn't seem very happy with her, either.

He pivoted on his heel and grabbed a piece of chalk to write on the board behind him.

"We will finish the last section of this unit in class today. That means your first exam will be next Monday. You will need a scantron and a pencil. Do not arrive late. If you are not in your seat by the time class begins, you will receive a zero as your grade." His command clear as he wrote the test date on the board.

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