Up and Up Again

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Sometimes I get jealous of Enid's classes because they seem so cool and fun.

And then I remember that the classes are literally fictional and I made them up.

Still kinda jealous, though.

Especially of her professors (;

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Enid made it to her writing class without any mistakes this time.

She took her seat beside the friendly girl, Emilia.

Enid was pretty sure that was her name.

The tan girl smiled and greeted her as she unpacked her notebooks.

They chatted for a while before class started and Enid was pleased to find that Emilia was a fan of symphony music.

Right before class began, the girl who sat on the other side of Emilia came trudging in with sunglasses on and a scarf wrapped around her head.

She exhaled dramatically as she practically collapsed into her seat.

Jake, who had been scrolling through his phone quietly, began to chuckle at the obviously hungover girl.

"Aye, Sophie. Have a little too much fun last night?" Jake smirked as he crossed his arms on the desk.

Her responding groan and middle finger sent him into another round of laughter.

"Are you going to the party this weekend, Enid?" He asked, turning his attention away from the angry corpse glaring at them all from behind her designer shades.

Enid's eyes glanced to the doorway, hoping Dr. Romano would come in and save her from having to socialize anymore.

No such luck.

"Uh, no, I didn't know there was one." She responded quietly.

"You've gotta come!" Jake nearly shot out of his seat, "It's the start of the year bonfire party. Everyone goes."

Emilia shook her head at the boy's antics before turning toward her.

"It actually is pretty fun. There's usually good music and it's a great place to make some new friends. You should come with me and my roommates!" Emilia offered.

Enid nibbled on her lip.

A large group of people with a large fire did not seem like a good idea.

Especially when most of those people would be drunk.

But she also didn't want to turn down the first friend she had made here.

"I'll think about it." She finally responded and Jake gave an obnoxious cheer.

Emilia was just finished typing her phone number into Enid's phone when Dr. Romano finally entered the room.

His brown hair was windswept and his black sweater was slightly askew.

His rumpled collar allowed her a closer glimpse at the tattoo she had noticed when she first met him.

She could make out what looked to be the detailed wings of a bird.

"Sorry for my tardiness, class. Mandatory faculty meetings are to blame." His accented voice sent strange butterflies through her.

He sat down at his place across from her and his eyes met hers.

She had forgotten how green they were.

So beautiful, like trees and the moss that climbed many of the buildings.

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