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Halloween masquerade ball time!

A little glimpse of how I imagine Enid's dress is above.

I had so much fun writing this chapter.

I hope you enjoy it!!

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Theodore had thought for a while that they'd never find her.

He had been the one to first raise the idea of sharing a woman.

It made sense to him then in the same way it made sense to him now.

But then the years had begun to trickle by.

He looked everywhere.

Every street he walked down, every class he taught.

Five years went by.

And then some more.

He began to worry they were never going to find her.

That all of this had been a waste.

All the years they'd spent hoping, waiting.

Dante was too stubborn to give into worry, Alexander too hopeful to consider that she might not be out there.

So, he'd tried to bury his worries in his work.

Researched more, stayed in his office later and later.

And then, just as the last of his hope trickled away, she found him.

He had forgotten how to breathe, how to think.

There she was, sitting in his classroom, her rosy golden curls curtained over perfect features.

An angel before him.

And she was his.


He could have died in that moment.

How badly he had wanted to steal her, to gather her into his arms and run.

For a moment, he dreaded sharing her, even with the men he viewed as his brothers.

It had been so hard for him to be professional, to teach the lesson as though his universe hadn't just finally aligned.

And then, he heard her voice.

So sweet and gentle and lovely.


His darling.

He'd watched her bloom over the next months, fallen in love with her mind and soul.

And then she'd told them that she loved them.

He had never thought that three words could unravel him entirely.

She was his sun and moon and stars and all the infinite space in between.

A clap on his back dragged him from his memories and his vision fell onto the subject of his musing.

She stole the air out of his lungs and lit fire in his veins.

Enid took a deep breath as she clutched the stair railing, her mouth parted as she took in the hall.

The estate was decorated extravagantly, people in masquerade masks chatting and dancing below her.

Dresses blossomed like flowers as women were twirled across the floor.

Champagne glasses filled with liquid gold floated by on serving trays.

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