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An extra long chapter to apologize for the wait!

I've been having a little bit of writer's block lately, but seeing all of your lovely comments pushed me through it.

I hope you enjoy!

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Enid held her breath as she walked silently down the corridor toward the lecture hall.

It wasn't that she was avoiding him, she just...

Honestly, she didn't know what she was doing.

She was nearly to the door when his voice came from behind her.

"Enid." Her name a command.

Pivoting on her heel, she turned to face him.

His large body leaned against the doorway of his office, his strict expression firmly in place.

His dark blue eyes like pools of endless depth.

He beckoned her toward him.

As she entered his office, the tension that had been wound within her tightened further.

She had spent much of the weekend worrying over the article she had seen in the newspaper.

Feeling equal parts terrified that it was the work of her professors and guilty for even thinking that they would do such a thing.

Between her worries and her still tangled thoughts on the evening at the estate, Enid was a bit of an emotional mess.

The door locking behind them was deafening in the silent room.

She startled slightly as his fingers brushed along her neck.

"I missed you." His low voice came from behind her.

"Dr. Easton-" She started, turning around to face him.

"I thought we told you to call us by our first names when we're in private, little one." Her professor reprimanded.

She glanced up at his endlessly blue eyes, sharp behind his glasses.

His handsome face like stone, his porcelain jawline sharp.

Dark hair pushed back from his face.

Breathing in his cologne, she felt her shoulders relax.

All concern about the newspaper dropped away.

She felt entirely safe with this man.

All three of them had given her more than enough reason to trust them.

What had she been thinking?

Even the thought of them doing anything to that boy was preposterous.

Her professors would never hurt anyone, let alone a student at the institution they worked at.

The tension in her shoulders relaxed as she gifted him a sweet smile.

"I missed you, Theodore." His own tense stature relaxing slightly at her words.

His eyes soft as he reached up to caress her delicate cheek.

"I'm sorry we disappeared like that. We had some business we had to take care of. A bit of a... nuisance." A small smirk crossing his features.

"Is everything okay?" Enid asked.

"It is now, darling. The issue won't ever bother us again." His hand dropped from her face down to her waist.

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