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Slightly angry Italian man ahead.

Hope you all enjoy!

🖤     🖤      🖤

Emilia was waiting for her on the steps in front of the literature building.

Enid smiled warmly as her friend greeted her and tugged her toward the bench they now viewed as their special spot.

The chill in the air forgotten as they chatted about a movie Emilia had watched the night before.

"Oh! I almost forgot. I have great news about our article!" The tan girl exclaimed, grabbing Enid's hand in excitement.

After she had found out the topic had already been claimed, she had sent Emilia a text letting her know they needed to keep brainstorming.

"What is it?" Enid giggled at her friend's enthusiasm.

Hopeful that she had a good idea.

"I asked around to all of the groups in our class and it turns out that none of them are doing an article on that boy's disappearance. In fact, they all said they hadn't even thought of it. Which means we can do it and be investigators!" Her dark eyes glittering with excitement.

Enid's brows furrowed.

Dante had lied?

"Who told you that the topic was already chosen?" Emilia asked curiously.

"Um, it was Dr. Romano actually." She responded, her thoughts still trying to decipher what all of this meant.

Obviously, he didn't want her investigating this.

But why?

Her fear rekindled as she remembered what she had first thought when she saw the newspaper.

"It must have just been a mix up." Emilia said, waving her hand as though to brush the topic away.

Enid made a soft noise of agreement, her heartbeat picking up.

Did this mean that they were in some way guilty?

She immediately felt bad for even thinking it.

No, there was no way her professors would harm a student.

He must have just been concerned for her safety.

They seemed to be intensely focused on that lately.

"I don't know, Emilia. Isn't it kind of dangerous?" She asked, her fingers tugging on the end of her curls.

"No, silly goose. I've seen all 14 seasons of Criminal Minds. I'm practically an FBI agent already." Emilia said, holding her fingers up as though she were a spy holding a gun.

"And I've already found a lead! Jessie's dad is the head of police and he's agreed to meet with us tomorrow so we can interview him!" The girl looked so excited that Enid felt guilty for refusing.

Was she really going to do this?

Writing an article on the disappearance of the boy who had assaulted her felt beyond strange.

But still, she knew he deserved to be looked for.

"Okay. What time?" Enid asked with a small sigh as Emilia squealed.

"We'll meet him at the coffee shop at three! Yay! I'm so excited. We'll be Sherlock and Watson. I bet you look amazing in tweed. We'll need matching outfits! Oh, and magnifying glasses..." The girl was practically bouncing as she rambled.

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