Coconut Squares

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Sugar didn't expect what she had walked into at Sheila's house that day.
She didn't know if Sheila had any other kids asides Mark. But the human looking figure that was crouched over the coffee table in what seemed to look like pain did seem like a second son.

The fact that Mark had been standing over said human figure like he had just punched the guy and the fact that Sheila was yelling at Mark to calm down made Sugar think they were definitely brothers.

"Oh...  Hi Sugar" Mark said like he'd just not picked a guy before Sugar walked in.  "Give me on second, I'm ready to take you to the hospital. Just one second" Mark said

Sheila was dressed like she was going out. Just like she was the other day Sugar was here, she was dressed in a flowing dress with like eight spaghetti straps.

Sheila turned towards the door that Sugar had cmjust come through.
"I'm sorry, come in. These boys. They fight for stupid reasons all the time.

"This time it's for a very valid reason" Mark yelped from underneath where the human figure had pinned him to the ground.
"Just give me the stupid phone" Mark yelled, "I'm going to tell Rahmat your still talking to that stupid girl."

With that sentence the human figure rolled off Mark and sat on the floor. Raising his legs so that his knees were almost three same level with his chest.

Sugar had the chance to see his face for the first time. He was good looking. He didn't strike her as a Toju the doctor or a Mark but even as unkempt as he looked, he still exuded some form of confidence or cockiness.
Sugar didn't know which. Whoever this Rahmat was must be someone he feared... or loved. But sugar doubted someone like this man loved only one woman.
He waved at her and ran a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry," Sugar said for lack of anythung better to say. "I brought the coconut squares and toasted coconut flakes." she said thrusting the bag forward as she walked towards Sheila.

"Oh thank you. How much do I owe you?" Sheila asked,  then adding quickly, "Please give it to Amaka in the kitchen. I'm heading out how I have a meeting."

Sheila works? Sugar found herself wondering. She thought Sheila was one of those Lekki wives kind of women. Who stayed home and did nothing. Just spent their husbands money.

"Okay no problem." Sugar replied

"Mark will accompany you to the hospital with Tejiri. I have to get going " Sheila said. Turning to Richard and Mark she said, "If you wound yourselves take yourselves to the hospital. I do not want anyone calling me saying that one of you is dead."
Sheila turned back to Sugar, "Pay them no mind, they're childish. Text me the bill and your account details, I'll send the money immediately."

Sugar nodded and Sheila turned around and walked towards the door. Only then did Sugar notice that she was wearing heels. Silver sandal heels.

Sugar headed into the kitchen to give Amaka the package.  Ignoring them like she was told. But somehow they both followed her into the kitchen. Sugar didn't know why.

"Are you guys brothers?" she asked justvas Amaka got the package of food from her hand

"Do we look alike?" Richard asked

"Why would we be brothers. I can never be brothers with such an idiot." Mark said at the same time. Earning his a slap to the back of his head. And soon enough they were wrestling again.

Sugar shook her head and turned away asking Amaka for a glass of water.

"They're best friends" Amaka whispered.

"Oh" sugar mumbled.

"Mark." Sugar called. Once. Twice.
Mark didn't respond.

"Mr faints-a-lot!" she yelled.

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