Red Velvet Anything

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Sugar was working the kitchen again. She was always working the kitchen while E and her group of friends worked the counter.

Sugar supposed she could take it as a compliment, that it meant that her cooking was bomb. But sometimes she wondered if it was because she wasn't model looking like E. Or graceful on her feet like Chichi.

Sigar sighed again. She heard a hum beside her that brought her back to reality. The person working on the dishes today was Blessing.
Blessings wasn't part of E 's group of friends, but she wasn't not part of them at the same time. Sugar shook her head. That didn't make sense.
Blessing walked with E a lot. But Blessing wasn't as malicious as E was.
Sugar sometimes wondered how Blessing was even able to remain friends with them.

Blessing cleared her throat.

"Are you okay?" Sugar asked. And blessing gestured very subtly to the door that led to the verandah of the kitchen. Said verandah housed cleaning supplies and had burglary proofing around it.

Sugar heard a chucked from between the mops and brooms and buckets. And then she remembered that Amanam had told her that she was going to ease herself.
Twenty minutes ago.

Probably on the phone with her 'boyfriend' sugar did not fret. It was almost lunch break, and Sugar didn't feel like getting insulted so early in the afternoon.
They were going to be at work till 5pm. There was a lot of time to get insulted then.
Sugar just shrugged and turned off the cooker. She busied herself with getting the food orders for the day packed and ready to be taken out.
The food orders on week days like these, mostly came from offices around the area and they either ordered to be delivered directly to them or sent a member of staff to pick up.

Once the clock struck twelve all the packages were ready to go and Sugar could finally heave a sigh of relief. She had done Amanam's job, but she didn't mind. She loved cooking anyways.

A few minutes past twelve, E and Chichi were in the kitchen talking about unimportant stuff with Amanam. There were five girls that worked at the Chefcooks full time and three part time. The three part time workers only worked two days a week while the others were requires to work six.

Maamé hated the counter being left unattended which is whybsje placed two girls at the counter everyday.
E and Chichi had just left the counter at the same time. Maamé would be furious. But sugar didn't care, it wasn't her job to look out for E. E would never do the same for her, and sugar needed to sit down. She was exhausted.

She sat on a chair and fiddled with their phone. Eavesdrooping on their conversation a bit.

Apparently Amanam's boyfriend was being insensitive but Sugar was sure the man wasn't Amanam's boyfriend at all.  Sugar was sure Amanam had just been used as a late night booty call. But hey..  She wasn't going to say anything.

"Well he is going to be insensitive. All men are a little insensitive" E was saying. They call nodded like lizards.

Sugar scoffed, no they're not. She thought. That particular guy is just an idiot.

E turned to her waving her bright yellow nail at her
"You're not invited into this conversation Sugar. Besides, what would you even have to contribute. I doubt if any man would even look at you"

They all chuckled in amusement. Sugar did too. It was ironic. They thought she knew nothing about men when they were struggling to get a text back from the multiple men they claimed they had.
Simply ironic.

There was the sound of the door closing coming from the front of the shop. Sugar heard it and she was sure the rest if the girls heard it. The first thing that entered her mind was Maamé.
Sugar was a little bit giddy at the thought they these girls may be in trouble.
Sugar knew Maamé and she was sure if that was Maamé at the door there would be hell to pay.  There would be shoe throwing and a lot of cursing.

Just a Little SugarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang