Crispy Crunchy Hot Fries Dipped In Frosting

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Mark's surprise was a house.

A dilapidated house that she was sure would be infested with all kinds of rodents and diseases.

"This is your surprise" Sugar said completely disinterested

"Yes" Mark replied, putting the car in park, "C'mon I know it looks bad, but you just need a bit of imagination. You'll see "

Sugar shook her head as Mark got out of the car.  She wasn't going into that house. She locked the door and waited for Mark to turn to her side of the car, which she knew he was going to do.

Mark tried opening up the door and it wouldn't budge, Sugar nodded. Mark rolled his eyes and lifted up the remote control of the car. He pressed the unlock button gingerly and the clicking sound Sugar heard signified that the doors were unlocked

Mark pulled the door open and gestured for her to come out.

Sugar folded her arms across her chest stubbornly.

"Sugar...  You are stronger than this" Mark retorted

Sugar shook her head. "I'm weak. Very weak"

"Baby... I need you to look at this house... Please?" Mark asked sweetly, "For me? " he held out his hands for her. Sugar took his hands and was out of the car swiftly, albeit whilst grumbling.

"There could be snakes in there... " she said

"No they're not"

"How do you know? " She asked.

"Because I've been here twice and I didn't see any"

"Where you here yesterday ?" she asked again


"Well a snake could have gotten in yesterday" she grumbled again as Mark led her through the car park.
"Who owns this place and do they know we're  breaking and entering?" she asked

"We're not breaking and entering, I have a key" Mark replied

"Why do you have a key to such a place? And I hope you're not bringing me here for something stupid"

"Like what? To sacrifice you to Ogun for the restoration of my mental health? Please..." Mark said cheekily as he finally unlocked the almost-fallen-apart door and flung it open.

"I will make a great sacrifice" Sugar argued stubbornly.

"I'm not doubting you, babe. But I thought we were against being used for sacrifice?" Mark teased as they walked into the house. The floor was tiled but dirty. There were some broken tiles, some missing ones cobwebs everywhere, and the walls were browning with age. Piles of cartons lay at almost every corner and Sugar visibly shuddered and the thought of what might be in there.

"I'm just saying that" she continued, "If I were to be used for sacrifice I'd make a great sacrifice, not that I want-what the hell was that??!" Sugar yelled as she saw something run past them out of the corner of her eye.
Sugar turned round and headed for the door, unconsciously pulling Mark with her, whose fingers were still laced with hers.

"It's not a snake. Snakes aren't that fast" Mark tried to explain but Sugar wasn't having any of it.
"Babe...  Baaaabeee" Mark called, "It's a squirrel. It's a squirrel"

Sugar was at the wobbly door when Mark forced her face to look at his.
"I love you and your overly dramatic ass" he said and kissed her.
He chuckled and kissed her again, "Now normally, I'd indulge you, but I really need you to look at this place"

"Why?" Sugar whined

"Because I bought it."


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