not an update

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I apologise. Sincerely for doing this to you guys... For keeping you waiting for so long.m
I hope you don't get sick of me.

This time last year I was struggling to complete Her and because of my mental state of mind at the time my writing seemed to take a hit.

I m still in the process of rewriting her, however just like last year I am not in a great space mentally and I do not wish for that to show up in my writing. I just ask, humbly that you be patient with me.

I do not know why the month of October and November is like this for me.

My mother has suggested I see a doctor.
Juggling the way I feel with school is like the hardest thing right now. I don't want to add disppointing you guys to the mix.

I care about you guys a lot. I want to write the best stories for you.

I am not ending this book.

I will be back soon. I do not know how long it will take me to be better.
But I will be back.

Please bear with me.

Much love


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