Sugar Pancakes in a buttercream sponge, a tonka glaze with icing sugar

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Mark held her.

That's all he did. All he needed to do, he held her.

He blocked off the toilets. Sugar didn't even notice that until they got out.
She wanted to ask how he had successfully achieved that, until she saw the out of order sign that he had put up.

A fake one, but it had kept people out of the toilets while she cried.

She smiled at him for the umpteenth time that day.
"Thank you" Sugar said

"It's fine." He replied

They were currently in his car. And he had used the driver today, probably on Sheila's instruction.

"I still feel bad for bringing you out ..."

"Who else would you have called?" Mark said cutting her off, "who else do you know, has a verse understanding of parents and step parents and how annoying either one can be"
Sugar chuckled

"Are you hungry?" Mark asked her

Sugar shook her head,  "No but I do feel like cooking something."

"Actual food or something that will give me diabetes?"

"Diabetes... definitely"

"I mean as far as you're then one feeding me I'll eat it. Plus it has always been my dream to get diabetes with the one I love"

"Ew... Mark" Sugar made a face

Mark tapped the driver on the shoulder and told him that head to the restaurant.

"What are you thinking of making?" Mark asked her

"Sugar pancakes in a butter cream sponge, maybe a tonka glaze." She recited, "With icing sugar"

"Of course.  We can't forget icing sugar, my sugar"

"You are so cheesy"

"If I call you Sugar would you call me chocolate  zaddy?"

"Please stop talking right now..." Sugar pleaded

"I know you only call me that when you're... " Sugar placed her hand over his mouth making the remaining sounds that escaped his mouth incomprehensible.


"I don't like when you say my name like that... I like it when you are m...." Sugar placed her hand over his mouth again.

"Are you drunk,  baby?"

"Nope... just horny"

Sugar rolled her eyes. Why didn't this surprise her?

"There is somebody else in this car, Mark...!"

Mark huffed. Very child like.

"Did your doctor switch your meds? You didn't tell me" Sugar asked him

"I hate this topic. How is this better than talking about you on top of me..." Sugar held his mouth shut again.

"Mark, please, tell me..."

"She didn't change any of the doses, just my approach to dealing with what I consider triggers"


"Stop worrying about me. How are you?"

Sugar shrugged. "I'm fine"

"You can talk to me. I understand having shitty parents. Trust me..."

Sugar chuckled, then sighed, "She said it's because I am not her child. Her reason, was that I was not her child..."

"Do you wish you were her child?" Mark asked her

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