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"It shows here she checked out of her room four and a half hours ago..."

She...went home?

The van wasn't even here yet..

"So wait...she took the baby home?"

"Um...it shows here...Mr. Min..what is your relation to the child?"

"The Father. I'm the Father of her."

The woman pauses and goes silent as she clicks her long nails on the keyboard, her eyes flicking up at Yoongi.

"Mr. Min...Miss Fukuoka said the baby is to be put up for adoption."

All the color drains from Yoongi's face as he continues to stare at the woman, his heart slamming with anxiety.

"Wh-what...n-no...that's...wait...no you can't put her up for adoption! That's my baby!"

"Let me get the administrator Mr. Min. Give me a second."

Yoongi quickly runs over to the nearest trashcan and empties his dinner into it, his hands vibrating violently from nerves.

No way.

No way.

How did she check out four hours ago?

Does that mean the baby was born before that?

"Mr. Min?"

Yoongi can barely stand up off the floor as he used the brick wall to hold himself up, his eyes lazily landing on the man in front of him.


"We need to take some of your DNA. We are so sorry for this inconvenience, Miss Fukuoka did not tell us the Father would be present. She said the child didn't have a father."

All Yoongi can do is let out a strangled whisper as he leans fully against the wall, his heart shattering to pieces.

"Is....i-is...m-my...is m-my b-baby g-gone?..."

I don't know if I can take this.

I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"No Mr. Min, the baby was going to be adopted by overseas parents, the second the DNA comes back she can be released into your custody."

Oh my God.


She was going to go overseas.

How could Nanami do this.

"When....when was she actually born..."

"She was born exactly eleven hours ago."

Eleven hours...

You lied...

You said you weren't even having contractions.

What have you been doing this last six months I've been gone...

I talked to you every hour.

Missed meals in between shows so we could talk.

"Mr. Min please follow me, we'll go get your blood drawn and send it down to the lab."

"Alright doc...give me a second..."

"Mr. Min?"

Yoongi feels his vision fading as he collapses to the floor, his chest pinging with gut wrenching pain.

Why did you leave?....


"Hyung! Hyung!"

My head...

Yoongi opens his eyes and feels hands on his cheeks, Jimin's worried expression the first thing he sees.

"Hyung! Are you alright?!"

"Where...wait...where's the doctor?! Where is he?! Where's my baby?!"

"Hyung calm down! The doctor came in and pricked your finger and said there was some kind of misunderstanding! What happened?"

Yoongi feels his already shattered heart break even farther as he looks at Jimin, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks.

"She...she's gone Chim...Nanami...she left...she tried to put the baby up for adoption overseas...she...she...she said there wasn't even a f-father!"

Yoongi buries his face into his hands and begins bawling as the whole room of boys gasp in shock, Hobi's voice sounding over the rest.

"I thought you just talked to her! She hadn't even had her yet!"

"She had the baby eleven hours ago Hobi. She lied to me."

"What...why would Noona do that..."

"How long ago did the doctor come in Chim?.."

"About an hour ago...we walked out of the elevator and saw you collapse...at first I thought it was because of no sleep...they wanted to put you in a room but we just sat you in this chair and put your legs up..."

"Two years. Two years we have been together. She's the one that wanted to even have a baby...at first I was scared...but...why did she try and put the baby up for adoption behind my back..."

"Hyung you need to drink this, it'll help you feel better."

Jungkook slips an apple juice in Yoongi's hands as he nods, his hand rubbing at his temples.

"Thanks Kook...did I hit my head or something?"

"Well....you hit me...when I saw you falling I ran as quickly as I could to catch you...you hit your head pretty hard on my shoulder."

"It's fine...thanks Chim."

"No problem Hyung."

Yoongi pops open the apple juice as downs the whole thing as he sighs, his throat raw with a constant knot.

She left me...

She tried to let our baby go..


Why would she want to do this to me?

"How long until the results are back?"

"The doctor said it could be up to two days...they said we're more than welcome to stay here...the kind nurse lady said the administrator will put the DNA test at the top of the list so we can get this sorted out."

"If Nanami was willing to adopt out our baby...that means she signed away her rights to her.."


More tears roll down Yoongi's cheeks as he buries his face in his own lap, his voice a high pitched whisper.

"Why wouldn't she just tell me she didn't want her....I would've taken her...she didn't have to do this to me...to us..."

"Do...do you think she has a reaso-"

"There is no reason for not giving me the opportunity to love my child Chim! How could she do this?! After all the hours...the months...she never even spoke a word. She didn't even seem odd or anything.."

"You're right...I saw Noona when we went on that week vacation and she looked happy..."

Yoongi grabs a tissue and wipes his eyes as he rakes his hands through his hair.

"I just don't get why she would do this."

Yoongi lays down on the leather couch in the waiting room as his phone vibrates on the ground, his eyes widennig and body toppling to the floor as he looks at the caller I.D.

"It's Nanami."

(A/N): ;)

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