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"I'm home- oh it smells good in here."

With a wide smile you turn around and look at Yoongi whose entire face suddenly erupts in a blush the second his eyes lay on you.


Looking down shyly you tug down your soft white dress and shift your feet nervously, Maki's eyes widening at her father.


"There's Appa's babygirl!"

Flicking your eyes up at Yoongi you give Maki a grin and watch her kick her legs and grip the air so he can pick her up, his eyes peering over to the stove.

"What are you cooking?"


"Oh? What kind?"

"They aren't for you Yoongi."

"Oh come on! I want one!"

You giggle and watch him lean down and gaze into the oven with yearning, his lips turned down in a boyish pout.

"But you're making two of them!"

"Mhm, one is for Jungkook and one is for Jimin, to thank them for what they did for me at my apartment..."

His face suddenly drops lightly and his eyes swirl with an odd emotion before he shakes it up and stands back up to look at you, his gaze suddenly warm and tender.

"Why don't I get a pie?"

"Because I don't have to do anything nice for you, I make you dinner."



"But if you want, I can give you a taste of the filling?"

Gracefully making your way over to the bowl sitting on the counter beside Maki you blush when Yoongi follows close behind you with a mischievous smile, one of his hands setting on the counter beside your body.


"Mhm, I've been giving Maki little bites of the parts that don't have fruit."

Sticking a spoon into the warm gooey pie filling you hold it up to Yoongi and watch him lean forward and take the bite, his pupils physically dilating when the taste hits his tastebuds.

"Damn, that is delicious."

He likes it!

"Maybe the guys will share their pies with you-"

"Or you could just give me another bite of the filling."

When you look back up at Yoongi every ounce of courage you once had is gone as his other hand sets on the counter, his eyes peering down at you with an odd gaze.



Your eyes quickly gaze into his and you feel your body buzzing with heat the closer he is to you, the same scent in his bed sheets drifting into your nose.

What is happening?

What do I do?

He's so close to me!


Speak Y/N!

What are you doing?!

You decide to dip the spoon in the filling again and give him another bite of the sweet treat while watching him lick some of it off of his lip.

"Why can't I have a pie?"

"Because I already told you it's for Jungkook and Jimin."

"You could just make them share one."

"Yoongi that isn't very nice."

"So? Maybe I want a pie."

As Yoongi keeps gazing deep into your eyes you feel something spark inside of you that you haven't felt in a long time, your hands tenderly laying on his waist.

"I could make you one tomorrow if you would like..."

"I would like that."

Your shyness suddenly takes over and you let go of Yoongi's sweatshirt while looking down at your feet, your entire face erupted in a deep blush.

"I-I should get the p-pies out..."

"Y-Yeah! I have to uh work uh...w-work on this song anyway...yeah..."

You both shyly push away from eachother and you turn to Maki who stares at you with a gummy smile, her fingers in her mouth with drool all over them.

"Oh...Maki ewwww don't put your fingers in your mouth!"




Wiping her hands off and cleaning her mouth you pick her up out of the high chair and take her to the living room where Yoongi sits on the couch with a red face, his eyes never looking up from his laptop.

"What would you like for dinner?...."

"Hmm? O-Oh anything you want Y/N-ah...I don't mind."

"Are you...um...having trouble with your song?.."

You tenderly take the space beside Yoongi on the couch while tugging Maki's excersaucer to the edge of the couch as she lets out little coos.

"Oh...yeah...I have this big collaboration song coming up and I...ah you probably don't want to hear all about that."

"No no! I do....it's intriguing how you sit for so many hours and write music..."

As if a switch clicked inside of him you watch Yoongi turn his computer and show you all the different highlighted lyrics and colored notches on the screen, your eyes widening at the pages.

"Woah...that's a song?"

"Well part of one...these are my lyrics and I have to come up with more."


"Right. Let me check the pies."

You quickly run to the kitchen and open the stove while sliding the hot fresh pies out of the oven as you can feel Yoongi's stare boring through you from behind.


"Oh come on, we can even share it."

"These pies are not for you!"

When you turn around your heart clutches in your chest when you see Yoongi's chin tenderly resting on the back of the couch, his eyes gazing at you with admiration and warmth.


Aw man.....

What do I do?!

Tugging the apron from around your waist and laying it nicely on the counter you look over at both of the pies with a playful grin, your head shaking from side to side.

"Alright fine then. Fine! You broke me down!"


"But only, if you'll keep telling me about your song."

His smile suddenly fades and he shyly plays with the hem of his sweatshirt, his eyes perfect half moons when he looks up at you.


"Well yeah! I want to know what all those colored things are next to the words!"

"Those are-"

"Wait! Let me cut the pie!"


"That's right Maki! Let's eat some pie!"

(A/N): Oh hey what a surprise another update

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