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"Are you excited?"

Sitting in your plane seat with Maki asleep on your chest you look over at Yoongi who has his head leaned on the seat, his coco brown eyes gazing at you with a delicate glaze of love and affection.

"Of course I am...we get to have another baby...I wonder what he'll look like..."

"He's definitely gonna look like me, I'm his Appa after all."


"It's true, sons usually take after their dads."

Giggling quietly and pushing your fingers through Maki's long dark locks she shifts in your embrace and heaves a deep sigh, a small snort coming from Yoongi's direction.

"She's always loved her sleep, even when she was a newborn she slept more than she ate."

"You know....I've never had a newborn before."

Watching a slightly shocked look cross Yoongi's face his eyes flick between his knees before looking back up at you, a small grin growing on his kitten like lips.

"That's right...sometimes I forget I didn't have you when Maki was a newborn...she was a lot of work by myself..."

"I'm kind of nervous honestly....a new new baby....fresh to the world..."

Placing his hand on your knee Yoongi scoots closer to you in his seat so he can place a small kiss on your cheek, his nose lingering against your skin in a baby soft butterfly kiss.

"Don't worry Baby. There's nothing on this earth you can't conquer. You're one of the strongest women I've ever met. You've got this, we've got this."

Feeling your heart swell with joy you lay your head on Yoongi's shoulder and begin patting Maki's back so she'll begin to stir awake, your plane beginning to prepare itself to land.

"I hope the boys aren't too let down we didn't stay for the reception..."

"Are you kidding me? The second we left I'm sure they all packed up and went to our house, Jimin probably let them all in and they're setting up a nursery as we speak."


"Oh yeah. They set everything up when I first brought Maki home...since she didn't have her nursery anymore when I got home the guys stayed for hours and helped me get everything put together..."

"That's so precious..."

"Mmm...they really are the best band of brothers I could have been blessed with. Hobi and Joon are probably shopping most likely though, Joon is...a bit destructive when it comes to assembling."

That's so cute....


Looking down at your little girl who buries her face deeper into your sweatshirt you giggle and keep patting her back, her tiny feet stretching out from being asleep for almost three hours.

"It's time to wake up Miss Maki, we're going to pick up your baby brother very soon."

"Is he gonna be a baby?"

"Mhm, he's a new baby. He was born yesterday."

"Is he at the doctow?"

"Mhm, that's where we'll pick him up then we'll get back on a plane to come home."

"Do I has to shawe my woom?"

"No he'll have the extra room right beside yours so if he has bad dreams you'll be able to protect him from them."

Solitary Affection |MYG Fanfiction|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ