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Oh god...

I'm so nervous...

It seems like the baby sucked on the bottle for an hour before she looks up at you, his lips finally diconnecting from the bottle.

Oh my god why am I so nerv-

Your entire chest suddenly blooms with warmth when you see her stretch out her chubby hands towards you and releases a tiny whine, Yoongi's expression becoming shocked.

"Ah..I think Maki wants you.."



You tenderly stretch out your arms and welcome Maki into your embrace as she squishes her small cheek against your shoulder, the light smell of baby soap drifting to your nose.

Oh my god...


She's so precious...

You tenderly drag your hand up and down her back as she folds her arms under her, her entire body now relaxed instead of tensed with pain.

"That must have been some kind of miracle drink...Maki never lets anyone else hold her except for Jimin...if any of the others try she screams."

"Oh...she's so tiny..."

"Yeah...the doctor said she's pretty small for her age....It makes me kind of nervous...she eats so much!"

"Well she's sick right now so she just needs a lot of fluids and rest mostly.."

You watch Yoongi's body completely relax just like his daughter's as he slips onto the couch, his hand pulling through his thick black hair.

"I cannot thank you enough for this...literally she has been so miserable for days...that's the most relaxed I've seen her."

"I'm happy I could help....it's an old family recipe."

You sit beside Yoongi on the fluffy futon and feel Maki shift, her face burrowing into your neck.


Poor baby...

"I um...I know this is going to sound kind of odd when I say this....but I want you to be Maki's babysitter. I think you're perfect for the job, but I have one condition."

You look over at Yoongi and notice the nervous look in his eyes, his deep voice only audible because of how silent the room is.

"I need you to keep Maki a secret. From everyone."


"Yes. I don't want her in the limelight...I...I want things to simmer down for a while until I reveal her..and since Maki's mother isn't around I don't want people to prejudge her or I....I promise I'll pay you good money...I have to sadly buy your silence.."

You smile softly and give him a nod, your eyes warming when you look down at Maki's tiny body nuzzled in your arms.

"No problem...I won't talk about her with anyone...I don't talk to anyone anyway so you don't have to worry...I live by myself."

"Ah...I apologize for this being so weird..."

"Um...can I...ask you something?.."

Yoongi looks at you and smiles softly before nodding, his eyes warming at the sight of his daughter.

"You can ask me anything."

"Why me? Honestly I'm sure there's someone else more qualified.."

Yoongi leans back and runs his hands through his hair again, the simple action making your heart rate pick up.

"Well...I guess...kind of like people who just write music, and people who study music. Me as a writer...I used to sit alone in my room all hours of the night pouring my heart out into lyrics...and by chance I became this big star..some people spend years of their life studying and can write songs, but they have no meaning behind them. I don't want someome taking care of Maki that look at her as just a paycheck. I want them to genuinely like her and want to be around her because nine hours out of her day she is going to be with them. I saw you at that restaurant and how you treated that child, and now seeing you like this, I know you're perfect for Maki."

Your cheeks flush red and your heart blooms with warmth hearing Yoongi's words, his shy smile making your pulse speed up even quicker.

"Thank you...Yoongi...that's really sweet..."

"Well...y-you're welcome Y/N...hey um..do you mind watching Maki for a second while I go take a shower? I'm scared if I leave her alone she'll get sick.."

"I don't mind, go ahead..."

As you watch Yoongi get up and quickly walk to his room and shut the door, you settle back onto the futon and begin rubbing Maki's back again.

He's such a good dad...

I bet it's hard by himself trying to do all of this...he can't even take a shower he's so scared she's going to get sick...

You look over at Maki and blush when you see her slowly lift her head up and look at you, her perfectly round eyes gazing down at you warmly.


"He's in the shower, don't worry he'll be right back."

Her tiny chubby hands reach up and press on your cheeks, the corners of her mouth twisting up in a small smile.







Maki smiles wide and presses her hands against your chest playfully, a tiny squeal escaping from her lips.

She is so cute.

My heart is going to explode.

You can tell she's still tired by the way she soon relaxes on your chest again, her voice lowering again to a whisper.


As soon as she falls back asleep you see Yoongi open hus door and walk back into the living room with wet shaggy hair, his sweatshirt and black shorts driving you insane.

My goodness all the Army's would seriously kill to be me.

"Thank you so much...I'll let you go now so you can go home...I'm sorry Maki puked on your clothes."

"No no...it's fine please don't worry about it. I'll get these clothes back to you soon."

"Don't worry, just keep them. I don't need it. I'll have my car drive you home since it's late, thank you again for all of this, I'm excited for Maki."

You smile warmly and carefully hand Maki over to Yoongi, her arms now resting on her father's chest.

"I'm excited too...have a good night Yoongi..."

"Have a good night Y/N."

I'm excited for me too...

Because since I can't have a baby...

I guess I can just shower this one with all my affection...

Thank you Maki...for giving me this opportunity...

I won't let you down...I promise...

(A/N): This was for you my friend, I hope I made your day better 💜

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