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At the chirping sound of the alarm clock you reach over Yoongi's sleeping form and press the small red button to stop it while tenderly shaking his shoulder to wake him up.

"Yoongi, you have to get up to get ready for work."

"Mmm...nuh uh..."

You let out a sleepy squeal when he turns over to face you and buries his face deep into your neck, his arms snaking around your bare waist.

"If you don't get in the shower you're going to be late."

"Mhm.....I don't wanna go to work."

Pushing your fingers through his thick black locks you press a small kiss on his temple as goosebumps rise on your skin from his sultry morning voice.

"But you have songs to write and lives to inspire. The hand of Midas can't simply not go to work."


A small breathy chuckle escapes from his throat as he raises his head up and you press a small kiss on his feverish lips touched with a fresh consciousness, your heart fluttering from his small touches.

"Alright alright. I'm up."

"Good, my job is done."

"Mmm...you can go back to sleep, I'm gonna get in a shower."

Laying your head back down on the pillow you watch him tug on his sweatpants and sleepily stumble to the bathroom with his hair sticking up everywhere, little huffs of protest causing you to lightly giggle.

He's so grumpy in the morning.

Quietly getting your sore body out of bed and tugging Yoongi's T-shirt over your head you make your way to the kitchen to begin making the same coffee you make for him every morning, your lips stretching up into a warm smile.

This is so nice...

"I thought you'd be back asleep by now."

Strong arms tenderly wrap around your waist and Yoongi's lips tenderly connect to your neck as his deep voice hums in your ear, his damp hair ruffled and stuck to his forehead.

"I wanted to make your coffee. I make it for you every morning."

"Mmm...you're right...I wouldn't be able to properly start my day without that coffee."

"What did you do before I was here?"

".....not start my day."

Giggling and turning around in his embrace you look up into Yoongi's delicate brown eyes and rest your chin on his chest as he takes a deep breath and holds you against his body.



"Can I ask you something?"

Tenderly nodding you gasp when he suddenly grabs your waist and lifts you up onto the cool counter, his entire face and ears tinted with a deep pink blush.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

You can't help the wide smile that spreads across your cheeks at the feeling of warmth and adoration that courses through your entire body at Yoongi's sudden question, your arms reaching out to pull him closer to you.

"Yes. I'll be your girlfriend."

He suddenly lets out a deep sigh of relief and engulfs you in a loving hug, his lips pressing tiny kisses all over the skin of your neck.

"Thank god you said yes."

"Did you think I would say no?"

"W-Well...no...I just...I don't know it was a possibility."

You both fall into light laughter as you grab his cup of coffee and slip it into his hands, your held tilting to the side in a playful manner with a newfound confidence.

"By the way...what did you and Jimin fight about?"


You watch Yoongi suddenly shift uncomfortably and look down at the ground with embarrassment, his eyes swirling with a deep sense of hurt.


"Was it...was it about me?.."




"You came home cold and wet from the rain..it..it made me so mad to see you upset..."

Oh...I never even thought...

Setting your eyes on the fading bruise around his lip you reach out and press your hand against his cheek as he gives you a childish pout and avoids your gaze.

"I owe Jimin an apology."

"Wait..you do?"

"I..yeah..when I went over to his house he ended up telling me he liked me and that he wanted to be with me...I...I felt bad...he said he wanted children and a family...and..the whole thing that happened with Ryun...I panicked and ran out of his house in the rain...I felt so embarrassed..."


"It's my fault...Jimin didn't do anything wrong other than express his feelings...I feel bad that you both fought over me.."

"It was going to happen anyway."


"Jimin and I were going to end up fighting anyway because I liked you and so did he."

....I never thought of that...

Moving his body back to yours and pressing a kiss on your lips your skin tingles with heat when his finger draws little circles on your thigh, a small hum of satisfaction escaping his lips.

"I'm so happy you're mine."


"I'm going to be late. I'll bring something home for dinner tonight instead of you having to cook."


"But I like cooking for you and Maki..."

"I don't want you to have to work so hard..."

"But I like it...when you and Maki get to eat my food it makes me feel good..."

Pushing your lips up into a pout you watch his ears turn red again as he gives you a small kiss and sighs in defeat, his hands tenderly patting your thighs when he backs away from you to grab his bag.

"Fine then, you win Y/N-ah. I can't argue with that."

"Do you want more curry?"

"Yes please."

You let out a small laugh when he answers before you can even finish the question as you hop off the counter and follow him to the door where he turns around and plants a deep kiss on your lips and uses one arm to hold your lower back against his body, your eyes lightly fluttering shut at the sensation.

"I'll be home later."

"A-Alright...see you when you get home.."

"I love you Y/N-ah."

"I love you too Yoongi-ah."

I've never heard such a genuine I love you before...this is the best feeling in the world.

This is what being truly in love feels like...

(A/N): I can say with pretty healthy confidence this story will most likely hit 100 chapters or above

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