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"Alright, here we are!"

When you both finally make it to Jimin's house you quickly shed your shoes and jacket as you watch him awkwardly hang his hat on his doorknob, his cheeks as red as cherries when he tugs his mask off.

"I hope you're nice and hungry, I got all fresh ingredients to cook with."

"I didn't take you as much of a cook either Jimin?"

"A-Ah...it isn't my best skill but I can follow a recipe like any other person..."

Setting your purse on his perfect white couch you sit down and fix your skirt as Jimin goes into his kitchen and looks at you warmly from the bar, his hands gripping a brown apron folded nicely on the counter.

"You...uh...you look really pretty today Y/N-ah..."

Flicking your eyes up to meet his embarrassed gaze you flash him a warm smile while folding your hands neatly in your lap, the tops of your cheeks turning a soft shade of pink.

"Thank you...it's what I wore to Maki's-"

"Birthday party, you looked really pretty in it then too."

"Aww...Jimin you're so sweet..."

"So, it says in this I have to separate the eggs from the egg whites..do you know what that means?"

"Ah yes, I can help you with that!"

At least I have something to do...

Quickly pouncing up off of the couch and padding into the kitchen you take up the empty space beside Jimin as you skillfully begin separating the eggs, his eyes gazing down at you warmly.

"I guess I'm really not the best cook..."

"Don't worry, I'll help you with it if you like, I know a thing or two."

"Mmm...your pie you made was delicious...I enjoyed all of it honestly."

"Well...you and Jungkook helped me when I really needed it so it only makes sense I should return the favor."

Before you know it Jimin's recipe soon turns into you taking on all the work while he simply leans against the counter and watches you work, his body slowly inching closer and closer to yours.

"Where did you learn to cook so well."

This question again.

"My uh...my mother made a lot of recipes when I was younger."

I should just lie and say I've been to cooking school.

"Ah...did you help her a lot?"

Please let's not do this...

Bile begins to rise up in your throat as you keep mixing the ingredients together in the bowl and try not to let your smile fade, your head shaking with light agitation.

"No I didn't. Just remember some."

Jimin doesn't seem to get your obvious discomfort with the topic as he sits down in one of the barstools across from where you're mixing, his chin tenderly resting on his hands.

"Did your mom live here?"


"Did she-"

"Can we uh talk about something else?"

When you look up at Jimin with pleading eyes you watch him shift uncomfortably and give you a sharp nod, his entire face now covered in a deep blush.

"Of course, sorry."

If I was going to cook I would have stayed home and made something for Yoongi and Maki...this is exhausting...

After finally getting the casserole in Jimin's oven you pull off the oven mitts and lay them on the counter as your eyes flick up to the clock as you fiddle with the hem of your skirt.

I want to go home...now I'm just tired...

"Y/N, I think you're really going to like this movie, you and I are practically the first people that get to see it."

"Ah...really now?..."

"Mhm, I pulled a few strings."

Making your way back over to the couch you sit down beside Jimin and check your cellphone for any messages, your heart lightly sinking at the empty screen.

I guess Maki must still be doing good...she is with her dad and all...

"Are you waiting on a call?"

"A-Ah no, I was just checking to make sure Maki is okay and just in case Yoongi texted me."

"Ya know he took care of her for 7 months and will take care of her forever, I don't think you have to worry as much."

Looking down at the carpet you shift your feet and allow your phone to slip back down into the pocket of your purse as sadness blooms in your chest, your lips pressing up into a small pout.

"I guess you're right."

"You know Y/N-ah, I'm sure it's pretty crowded at Yoongi Hyung's house."

"It isn't. I just sleep in his bedroom."

"W-Wait with Yoongi Hyung?"

"No. He sleeps in the living room, Maki wakes up in the night and I usually take her in the bedroom to sleep with me so she isn't scared."

"Ah...I see...you're pretty attached to Maki I'm guessing."

"Well yeah...she's too precious not to get attached to...I get to spend all day with her...give her baths...and make her good food and make sure she's feeling good..."

I miss her so much...

"Do you currently have a boyfriend Y/N-ah?"

Why all of these questions so suddenly?

Looking over at Jimin who has suddenly scooted closer to your body you lightly pull your head back with surprise, your eyes lightly widening with shock.

"I um...I don't...maybe I should ch-check on that casserole."

Quickly pouncing up out of the uncomfortable situation you pad over to the oven and bend down while looking in at the bubbling casserole, your mind now racing with different thoughts.

Hold on a second.

Why is he asking if I have a boyfriend?

This is weird.

I want to go home.

When you stand back up from the oven you turn and lightly jump when you see Jimin standing beside you with an odd look in his eyes, his body moving towards yours so he can loop his arm around your waist.

Woah wait a second-

Your eyes widen with shock when your body is suddenly pulled against Jimin's and his hand lightly grazes over your cheek, your heart beginning to slam in your chest.

What is going on?!


Suddenly you feel Jimin's plump lips tenderly press against yours as you inhale a sharp breath through your nose, alarm bells beginning to go off in your mind when his other hand gently cradles your cheek.


Is kissing me-

(A/N): 💁🏼‍♀️☕️

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