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[7 Months Later]

(Y/N's POV)

"You stupid girl!"

You look behind you a quickly duck as the manager of the small chicken restaurant throws a tray of chicken at you, the one piece bouncing off the top of your head.

I swear to-

"Stupid! You're lucky I hired you Hollywood! You are useless!"

"Just because I haven't worked much doesn't mean you have to throw chicken at me!"

"You're a waste of money! You can't serve beer right if I taught you all day long! The customers complain about your shitty service! Talk back to me again and be without a job!"

You bite back the acidic tone you had as you stare at your manager with hatred, your hair greasy from the nasty chicken hitting it.

I hate this place.

Why can't I get out of here.

I can't get a job outside of the 4th district because no one wants to hire me the second I put down my address.

Why does this place have to be known for criminals being in it.

"You know, I could pay you a pretty penny."

Your spine tingles with rage when you feel a man reach out and graze the side of your thigh, your eyes cutting down to look at him.

I'm going to cut this guy.

You're about to throw the entire tray of beer onto his face until you see something small in your peripheral vision, the sight stopping you dead in your tracks.


A child?

"Miss...can you help me?.."


Poor kid..

"Sure...what's wrong?"

"My tummy...it keeps making noises.."

"Aigoo...noises? What kind of noises?"

"It grumbles and aches.."

"Well that must mean you're hungry, where is your Eomma?"

"I...don't have one.."

"Ah...your appa?"

The little girl shakes your head and causes a slight ache in your heart as you reach out and rub her arm, offering her a light smile.

"Well that's okay, here's a basket of chicken, you can have all of it."

The little girl looks at you cautiously before reaching out and snatching the chicken off of the plate, her tiny dirty feet carrying her out of the chicken shop and into the chilly night air.


Poor kid...

There's so many children here without parents....all lost to the disfunction this hell hole causes..

"Stupid girl!"

You squeak and shout out in pain when you feel a whole metal pan of chicken smack you in the back of the head, the three pitchers of beer falling and smashing onto the cracked concrete.

"Now you're making me lose money! Quit giving those ratty kids my food!"



You carefully reach back and touch the obvious growing lump on the back of your head as you stand up and look him dead in the eyes, tears of frustration rolling down your cheeks.

"You know what? I'm not going to ignore a child when they're hungry! These kids are on the streets starving half to death! I would rather take your money than watch them starve!"

"Then you can feed them out of your own check! Half of it can go to paying for the chicken you've wasted."

That's it...

I'm sick of this...

I'm tired of this horrible job.

"That's it. I quit."

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard me! I said I quit! I'm sick of this job and I'm sick of you!"

You quickly pull your grease stained apron off of your waist and throw it at your manager, the cruel old man simply flipping you off.

"Then get out of here! I'm sick of losing money from you anyway!"

Seven months.

Seven months I have been at this job and I can never save any money.

I'll never get out of here.

You quickly make your way out from underneath the small cart and into the crisp sold evening, tears still rolling down your cheeks onto your shirt.

After all this time...

I'm still stuck here...

Stuck in this endless pit of hell...


Maybe I should have just stayed with Ryun...from there I could have plotted my escape a lot better...

Soft sobs escape into the night as you cover your eyes and continue walking down the dark dewey street, the sound of footsteps behind you causing your blood to freeze.

Oh my god.

Am I being followed?

This wouldn't be the first time.

You carefully and quickly turn your body and dart down one of the alleyways, now completely used to the multiple strip club signs lit up in your view.

Oh god.

Could it be that guy from the bar?

He always comes in...

Was he stalking me?

When you hear the multiple footsteps continuing your heart begins to slam in your chest, the tears from earlier switching from anger to white hot fear.

Oh my god.

Am I going to die?

"Wait! Miss!"

You scream when you feel their fingers wrap around your wrist, your first reaction to swing around and punch them directly in the face.

"I have mace! I will mace you!"


You look down at the ground to see a man sitting on his butt rubbing his jaw, his hooded cat-like eyes peering up at you.

"I...I'm sorry if I scared You..."



You can barely muster any words as you begin coming down from the adrenaline rush as you still stand defensively, the man standing up and looking at you with kind eyes.

"I Um..I...I wanted to ask a favor of you."

"A favor? Look mister. I'm not a prostitute. Even though I live here that doesn't make me a prostitute hit the road."

"No wait! That isn't what I was going to ask.."

You watch with white hot shock as the man reaches up and tugs his earloop mask and hood off of his face, the familiar look sending your heart into a frenzy.

Hold on a minute...




"Allow me to formally introduce myself...My name is Min Yoongi, and I would like to offer you a job."


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