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It looks fine right?

This is a good cake!

"Oh Maki this one has turned out so pretty!"

After finishing the last touches on the purple and pink cake in front of you, you watch Maki's eyes gaze at it and let out a small squeal.


"Mhm! This is gonna be all yours! Now we need to put it in the fridge so the icing doesn't melt."

You carefully put the cover over the cake and slide it into the empty space in the fridge as you look at the two giant bowls on the top shelf, your eyebrows furrowing together with confusion.

Wait a minute...

I thought I only made one stew?

Tugging out the other bowl you pop open the lid and gaze at the food with wide eyes, your cheeks flushing a light shade of pink.

This is the stew Yoongi said the guys ate...did he not like this one?

No he liked it...he's eaten quite a bit of this...

Why would he have me make another one then?

That's costs him so much money!


"Okay I'm sorry Maki!"

You quickly put the food back and shut the fridge before standing back up and putting some icing on a spoon, Maki's eyes growing wide with excitement.

"Is this what you want?"

"Pa! Pa! Pa!"

She kicks her legs and waves her arms around with happiness when you lean forward and place the spoon in her mouth, her nose scrunching when she gets the thick sugary icing in her mouth.


"Mmm is right Maki! This is the best icing the store had. Your Appa paid quite a bit for this."

Wiping her mouth off with a cloth you begin doing the dishes and slide her high chair beside you so she can see everything you're doing, her hands tugging around the ears of the pink bunny.


"Pa is right, these dishes are crazy-"

You stop what you're doing and blush hard when Yoongi suddenly walks in the door and looks at you, his face holding a strange expression.

"H-Hi Yoongi..."

"Did you kick Jimin out?"

Oh no.

"I-I didn't mean to...I mean...you weren't here! He..He wanted to see me..I just...I thought it was a bit inappropriate since this is your house...and you were at work..."

"Ah...I see."

Damnit Y/N!

You messed up!

You should have known better than to stop one of his brothers!

"I'm really sorry Yoongi...I didn't mean anything...bad or rude...I'm sorry.."

"Actually, you're in the right."

"Wait, what?"

"Well yeah. It's kind of admirable that you would even kick out Jimin simply because I wasn't home. He shouldn't have tried to put you on the spot like that. I just wanted to come home and grab some lunch with you and Maki before I go back since the night is gonna be a bit long."


Wait..lunch...with me too?...

"Do you like black bean noodles?"


"Good, I stopped and grabbed some. I figured you baked all morning long so why not bring some easy food?"

Drying your hands you look at Yoongi and give him a warm smile, which welcomes his cheeks a pink blush and him nervously clearing his throat.

"You um...you guys haven't eaten yet...right?.."

"No actually, I was about to make Maki something for lunch, I gave her some icing when I was making the cake."

Yoongi looks over at Maki and picks her up out of the high chair after setting the food on the table and pokes her belly gently as she lets out a small giggle.


"Goodness, I can tell you enjoyed that icing."

"I'll make her something to eat-"

"No worries. I brought her some mashed sweet potatoes from the same restaurant. I don't want you to have to cook so many times today."


He's so sweet...

"Here, sit down."

You nod softly and tug Maki's high chair over to the table and sit beside Yoongi as he opens the bowls of noodles, your mouth practically watering at the sight.

It's been so long since I've had these...I can't afford a lot of food...

"Thank you for this Yoongi, you're too kind."

"Ah, I just figured it'd be nice to have a good meal."


"Alright Maki here, I'll give you some bites."

"No, allow me."

Your cheeks ignite red when Yoongi moves Maki's high chair to beside him so you're sitting directly next to him, his gummy smile on full display when he opens the potatoes.

"Maki can be a bit of a handful, just eat Y/N, I'll feed her."


Grabbing your chopsticks you begin eating the noodles and watching Yoongi give Maki bites of the potatoes, his nose scrunching when it comes out around the corners of her mouth.

"Kid, you're so messy."

You feel butterflies fluttering in your chest and stomach when Yoongi looks over at you and simply smiles, his eyes swirling with a strange spark in them.

"Thank you for making Maki's cake. I really appreciate it...I feel kind of bad for all these hours I'm having to work, but I'm happy that she has you here."

Your entire body is now broke out in a blush and you look down shyly, staring at your slightly dirty sneakers you've been wearing since you moved.

"I um..I-I'm happy I'm able to help with Maki...she's precious..."

When you finally get the courage to look up at Yoongi he simply gives you a grin and takes a bite of his noodles, his own face turning red with blush.

"All the guys are coming over tomorrow too...If I get this song done then I'll have the whole day off tomorrow and have time to prepare for the party...I um...if..."

Yoongi seems to hesitate and turn his head as his ears turn bright red, slight sweat pooling on the back of his neck.

"If you still want to come at your regular time...we can um...get the party ready.....you know...I'm sure you um..know that girly stuff...that I don't..."

Giving Yoongi a wide smile you nod and look at his back facing you, your hands nervously gripping your jeans.

"Sure...I would be happy to help..."

He's acting so strange today...


I like it.....

(A/N): Keke Floof

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