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"Aha! Finally done."

Standing beside Yoongi in the bedroom with your new shelf placed directly beside the side of the bed where you sleep you wrap your arms around Yoongi's waist and lay your cheek on his shoulder, your chest overwhelmed with warmth.

"I love it Yoongi...Thank you..."

"Well I love you darling so it's my pleasure."

Turning your head so your chin is on his shoulder you press a tiny kiss on Yoongi's cheek and blush when his hand slides down to rest on your lower back, a small sigh escaping his lips.

"Took us two hours and a tutorial online but I think we make a great team."

"Mmm...I agree with you..."

At your cool tone Yoongi flicks his eyes over to you and shifts so he can pull you into his embrace, one eyebrow lifting into the air with curiosity.

"Something on your mind baby?"

"No..I'm just really happy to have you."


"Mhm. Honestly I'm really happy I met you...Maki's mother really missed out on a wonderful man."

At the mention of Maki's mother you see Yoongi's eyes suddenly become stormy and distant, his jaw tightening with a weight of sadness.

"Mm...I wasn't the best myself to be honest."

"What do you mean?"

"I was gone a lot when Nanami was around. It's true that she only enjoyed the fancier things but that's all I really had to give at the time...I couldn't enjoy moments like these when I was bound by a contract. My life was...a lot different."

"Would you still have retired if she was still here?"

"......Probably not."


Heaving a deep sigh Yoongi sits down on the bed and looks over at the bookshelf and to his daughter who now sleeps peacefully in her crib, his fingers nervously intertwining together.

"When Maki was born and all of that happened...I guess you could say it was Nanami leaving that really opened my eyes...I want to say I would have still retired but at the time I didn't know a life like this...thinking about it when you're on stage and making albums it seems kind of depressing...I wanted to be Suga as long as I could for the fans...I can say...I wouldn't have appreciated things like this with Nanami."

"Mmm...I see..."

Sitting beside Yoongi and allowing him to lay his head on your lap you pull your fingers through his silky black hair and feel him take another deep breath, his face set in a painful frown.

"I feel guilty...sometimes..."

"About what?..."

"How I thought back then...it was only eight months ago but it seems like ten years...I didn't know the emotions that would hit me when I held my baby in my arms for the first time...seeing something so vulnerable to the world...back then I thought Nanami would take care of her while my career went on...of course I wanted to be an involved dad I'm not saying I was going to abandon them but...I don't know....I was so torn at times..."

"That's nothing to feel guilty about Yoongi."


"Of course...your whole life you've been doing music, since as far back as you can think you've been doing music and everyone knows that...you can't beat yourself up for things you thought about when your baby wasn't even here yet."

"....You know how long I've been doing music?"

"Well yeah everyone does it's in interviews and stuff."

"....So you watched interviews of me?"

"Min Yoongi."

Tiny mischievous snickers suddenly emit from Yoongi's throat and he rolls onto his back and looks up at you with a playful glint in his eyes, his arm wrapping around your waist softly.

"I had no idea you were so obsessed with me baby."

"Yoongi stop it."

Your face suddenly burns hot with a fresh blush as you pout and break away from his flirty gaze, his voice lowering to a playful whisper.

"So I was your bias, and you watched interviews huh? Goodness you should have told me you were such a fan."

"Maybe I was watching it for the other members too, ever thought about that?"

Puffing his lip out in a childish pout Yoongi sits up and grabs your chin to press a tiny kiss on your lips, his dark eyes searching yours playfully.

"You don't mean that."

"I don't know, Taehyung is pretty good at interviews."


Tackling you onto the mattress and showering you with kisses you let out a quiet squeal and turn your head so the kisses land on your cheek, the both of you trying to stay as quiet as possible to not wake the sleeping baby.

"Min Yoongi!"

Quickly whisper shouting his name and looking deep into his eyes Yoongi grins down at you and tilts his head to the side, his silver chain daintily dangling over your body.

"Yes baby?"

"You're going to wake Maki up and she isn't going to be happy."

"You're right. She's just like her Appa."

Moving your hands up to rest on Yoongi's cheeks you tenderly tug him down so his body rests on top of yours, a small groan vibrating from the bottom of his throat.

"Baby...don't do that."

"Why not?"

This time you're the one with the playful tone as Yoongi's ears burn cherry red and his face moves to hide in your neck, his arms on either side of you holding most of his weight off of you.

"You know why."

"I just wanted kisses."

"Kisses my ass. You know what you're doing."

"I am feeling a little tired."

"No you aren't."

"You're right, I was going to go to the kitchen and get myself a glass of wine."

Wiggling yourself out of Yoongi's embrace and walking to the doorway with your silk robe touching the back of your ankles Yoongi sits on the end of the bed and follows your form almost in a trance, his hands quickly finding their way to your waist.

"Maybe I'll join you."

"Mmm, you should."

(A/N): UwUs all around

Solitary Affection |MYG Fanfiction|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt