Chapter 6

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When I woke up the next morning my ankle and head ached, the rest of my body was stiff from being unable to switch positions last night. I looked up and saw that my leg was in a sling connected to the ceiling. I wondered how much longer I would have to stay in the hospital. It normally wouldn't be too long with just a concussion and broken bone, but the fact that I was put on paralysis medication, meant I had to stay longer for psych observation.

Dr. Mijan walked in shortly after I woke up, "How did you sleep?"

"Not well, considering I couldn't get comfortable." I replied.

"Sorry." He replied, "I can't take you off of the paralysis medication yet, hospital policy."

"I know." I said irritably, "When can I go back home?

"Three days at least." He replied, "You have to be both physically and mentally stable."

I rolled my eyes and began to say I was fine, but I was interrupted when all of the hospital's television sets turned on by themselves.

Letters advising us to pay close attention flashed across the screen. Then it went straight to the image of a young girl looking very frightened. The camera followed her as she was ushered towards two shackles hanging from the ceiling. Two uniformed men shoved both her hands into the shackles and clamped them shut, tight. The girl winced.

The camera then switched to an angry looking man holding a gun. He looked malicious, evil, furious. And finally the camera rested on Richardson who was standing behind his podium in his office. "The images you are about to witness," he said, "will remind you who is in charge. And will teach you what will happen shall you make the choice to disobey."

Then on the screen you saw an interviewer holding a microphone and standing next to the man with the gun. The interviewer began to talk, "Before we proceed with this punishment, can you explain to the country, in a few sentences, why you are standing here today with your daughter."

Daughter? I thought. I was so confused. Why would this man be pointing a gun at his own daughter? No sooner did I think this, did the man answer my question.

The man didn't hesitate before saying, "I planned for my daughter to marry a smart, rich, supportive man. It was arranged, as all marriages should be. She refused to marry him and tried to run away. Richardson's men caught her of course." He smiled and saluted. Then he shouted to the girl, his daughter, "Any last words, bitch?"

How many men out there were like my father, with their blind devotion to this crazy dictator?

The camera panned back to the girl, there were tears in her eyes, but none on her face. She looked off to the side and mouthed something to someone who viewers were unable to see. Then she turned back to her father, she didn't say a word, she just pulled her head back and spat at her father's feet. The camera then zoomed out and focused on the girl and her father, who were only a few feet apart. Anger made the dad's body quiver. He raised the gun and pulled the trigger, a bullet shot out of the barrel and hit the girl straight in the chest. Blood immediately poured from the gaping hole in her breast. Her body went limp, someone screamed, and the screen went black.  In white lettering below the screen said 'Obey your leader." Then the TV clicked off.

I don't know what I expected to happen, maybe that he would shoot her in the knee and paralyze her or something. But I did not expect for this man to murder his own daughter on live television.

"No!" I shouted, "Somebody help her!"

Dr. Mijan looked over at me, "She's gone Bethany."

"I closed my eyes, "I know."

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