Chapter 41

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I don't know how long I was knocked out. All I knew was that I wanted to stay unconscious because I didn't want to live in a world without Benjamin. So I was angry and scared when I heard someone scream my name. "Bethany! Bethany! Get up! What's wrong!"

I just kept screaming and crying and thrashing my limbs. My hands and feet connected with the person trying to wake me, multiple times. The hands shaking me were gentle though. Even as I pummeled them with my fists. "Bethy! Ouch, Bethy! Open your eyes! It's okay. You're safe."

Only Benjamin called me Bethy. I stopped flailing my limbs. I opened my eyes and saw Benjamin bent over me. He had a large red mark on his cheekbone, that had already begun to bruise, probably from him trying to calm me down when I was kicking and punching.

I inhaled quickly in relief and wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder like a child. "Shhhh." He cooed, "Calm down, I'm right here. You're okay. What's wrong?"

"It was just a nightmare." I said. Not wanting to talk about it.

"It must have been a bad one." He said. "Tell me about it."

"I had a dream you were killed." I cried, "I love you so much, just never leave me like that okay? Never leave me!" I sobbed.

"It's okay, Bethany. It was just a dream. I'm here, okay. I'll never leave you. Shhhh, calm down, you're shaking. Here." When I said that, I looked down at myself and realized my entire body with trembling.

Benjamin wrapped his strong arms around me and spoke soothingly into my ear. My body continued to tremor. I couldn't lose him. I wouldn't lose him. I told him exactly what happened in my dream.

"Is she okay?" Alex whispered to Benjamin.

"Yeah, she just had a really bad nightmare."

I looked up at Alex. I was embarrassed About acting this way. I was felt myself blush as he looked down at my shuddering body.

Alex must have noticed my cheeks turning crimson because he said, "there's nothing to be embarrassed about. You have gone through some significant trauma. A night terror is nothing to be ashamed of."

"I am so sorry." I whispered.

He looked confused. "What for?"

"You lost your best friend, your soul mate. I can't even handle having a nightmare where I lose mine." I sobbed.

Alex's face looked pained. "Yeah. It's the worst feeling. But I see her and I when I look at the two of you. And I really see her in you, Bethany. And I will do everything in my power to keep you two together."

"Thank you, Alex." Benjamin said.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"No. Thank you." Alex replied, "You two keep her memory strong."

Sophie walked over to me, "What's the matter, Bethany?" she asked me, worried.

"Just a nightmare Sophie. It's okay. I am sorry for waking you."

"I was already awake from my nap. Everyone was." She replied.

I looked back at Benjamin, "Why didn't anyone wake me?"

"No one had the heart to. You looked so exhausted and once you fell asleep, you looked so peaceful. Well up until a few moments ago that is." Benjamin replied. "You've been sleeping for a while and it's going to get dark in a few hours, do you want to keep walking, or sleep here?"

"Let's walk." I replied immediately, "I don't want anyone catching up to us."

"Okay." Alex said as he picked Sophie up, "Let's go."

"Are you sure you don't want anyone else to take a turn carrying her?" I asked.

"I got it." he replied sternly.

I turned to Benjamin and gently ran the back of my fingers across his cheek. "Did I do this?"

He laughed and grabbed my hand. "Yeah. When I was trying to calm you down. You throw a wicked punch."

"I'm sorry." I said. His smile told me that it was okay. Then we began walking into the next leg of our journey.

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