Chapter 33

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It had been three weeks since Dr. Mijan dropped us off. Benjamin spent most of each day obsessing over my "needs" and mapping out a route to the rebel region. He didn't let me help him do much.

We had everything we needed at the motel we were renting. Food, laundry, and utilities were all provided. Because we were staying there for such a long period of time the owners barely charged us anything.

We were only going to stay there for a few more days until I was ready to travel. News of our escape had not yet spread this far north. The search was focused in our home district.

"What's going on?" I asked. I was looking at Benjamin and his face had gone pale and began to worry. He unplugged his head phones from the radio. "What?" I asked, beginning to become terrified. The portable radio was from our district, so we were able to hear any news coming from it.

The portable radio was now audible throughout the entire room. "Richardson's men have picked up a suspect today. We have sources confirming he helped aid fugitives Bethany Stafford and Benjamin Thomas in their escape.

The suspects name is Jeremiah Mijan." I let out a terrified cry. "No! You don't think they will kill him without proof do you?" I asked Benjamin in desperation.

My question was answered almost immediately as the voice on the radio said, "Mijan was shot on scene."

I plugged the headphones back into the radio so I wouldn't have to hear anymore. I let Benjamin hug me while I cried. "It's all my fault. We should've known that Dr. Mijan would get in trouble for helping us. We shouldn't have contacted him. I should be the one who is dead, not him!"

"Bethany, Dr. Mijan knew the risks. He chose to help you anyways. He loved you like he would love his own child." Benjamin said trying to console me.

"And he was murdered because of that love for me."

"Shhh." Benjamin cooed, "He was happy to save you." He thought for a moment, then said, "I'm sorry, there is nothing I can say to make you feel better."

I laid down and turned my back to Benjamin and sobbed. He wrapped his arms around me and held me. He held me as I talked about my memories with Dr. Mijan. He held me as I cursed Richardson, cursed the country, and cursed myself for Dr. Mijan's death. He held me as I laughed and cried and reminisced about all of the lessons Dr. Mijan had taught me.

After a while I couldn't think of anything else to say so said goodbye to him. I thanked him for all he had done, apologized for what happened, and I let him go.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. "Thank you for that, Benjamin."

No problem." He replied. I pressed myself against him to remind myself that he was still with me. I promised myself that I would never lose him. I would never let him go. I looked up at him. His eyes were closed and his lips were moving. He was praying. I watched him for a while. I saw him mouth my name a few times.

I was about to say something to him, but at the moment the TV in our room turned on automatically and the emergency alarm on the screen sounded.

Next thing I knew I was looking into the eyes of Richardson. Loathing filled the entirety of body. "Hello." He spoke, "I am going to keep this announcement short." He pointed to the bottom corner of the screen. Benjamin's face appeared on the screen and then mine. Benjamin Thomas and Bethany Stafford are wanted fugitives. Bethany has broken the marriage law and fled, while Benjamin helped aid her escape.

Benjmin Thomas is wanted dead or alive. Bethany Stafford is wanted alive because she will be publically executed for her crimes. If you see either fugitive call this number and you will be awarded a large sum of money." A number appeared next to our names. "Thank you." The TV turned off and Benjamin and I jumped out of bed and threw our shoes on. Benjamin shoved all of our necessities into my back pack.

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