Chapter 30

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I went to my room for the last time and took my dress off replacing it with the joggers and tee shirt I had hidden in my closet.

I ripped Benjamin's shirt down from where I'd hidden it and tore it down the middle, rolled it up tight, and used it as a belt, that way Benjamin would be with me when I died.

Then I took a deep breath trying to steady myself. I grabbed the phone and dialed Acer's number. "Hello?"

"Hi, Acer?"


"I took a deep breath and spoke the words that would end my life, "I will not be marrying you. I am not ready to marry. I am sorry." I hung up before Acer could respond.

I gathered a few things into a bag in case Acer didn't call my dad right away. If he didn't, it would be possible that I could just run away.

I packed a water bottle, jacket, my dad's pocketknife, my med kit and 2 boxes of matches. Finally I emptied my piggy bank into my bag, I had about $3,000 saved.

I had just opened my bedroom door when I saw my dad charging up the stairs. I leapt back and tried to close my door but failed.

He barged into my room and shoved me against the wall. My head connected against the window and I saw stars. "Acer called me, you don't want to get married?" he screamed into my face. My heart was racing but I shook my head.

My dad yanked me up by my hair and waltzed me down the stairs. As my dad shoved me out the door I turned around and saw his maid crying helplessly.

We boarded the shuttle and my dad shoved me into a seat and sat next to me squishing my body painfully against the window. I got terrible looks for not being in a dress.

At the third stop my dad dragged me off the shuttle. We were right by the dock. Maybe my dad would kill me here and dump my body into the water.

My dad threw me to the ground and I felt myself being yanked back up by someone else. Acer.  My dad looked at Acer and then at me and then said, "Do what you wish with her, she is no daughter of mine."

Anger welled up inside of me as he walked away, leaving me with Acer. I thought of all of the ways Acer tortured Benjamin and I prepared myself for the worst.

Acer spun me around so we were face to face. He cocked his head and said, "You're such a bitch. You know, I had actually begun to like you!"

"I..." I wasn't sure what I was going to say but it didn't matter because Acer stopped my words by slapping me across the face, stopping me before I could utter another word.

I looked up at him, my face stinging as he continued talking. "I'm going to kill you." he looked at me, his facial expression insane. He wasn't used to being told no. He wasn't used to not getting what he wanted. What he thought he deserved. And he thought he deserved me.

I was utterly terrified, but ready. Acer shoved me to the ground and jumped on top of me. He used his knees to pin my shoulders to the ground so I couldn't move. He punched me in the face, once, twice, three times. I tasted blood from my mouth and nose. Blood was pouring from my face.

On the second punch I felt my tooth loosen and on the third I felt my nose break. I let out a soft groan. Acer smiled, and let out a laugh. "If you think that hurt, wait another twenty minutes, you will be begging me to kill you."

Twenty minutes of torture, I thought. I told myself to think of Benjamin. Acer grabbed me by my hair, yanking me to my feet. When I was standing, he grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back. "Ah!"

He placed his foot in the back of my knee and I fell back to the ground. He kicked me multiple times in the stomach. "You seemed to like my little brother." He said. "You took pity on that pathetic piece of trash. You should know I have good practice in, I do this to him all the time, of course my parents help. I do all of the dirty work of course, I'm the strongest. I can hurt him the worst. And I do hurt him, you have no idea the kind of pain I can inflict." He said proudly.

"Could you tell just by meeting him today that we beat that weakling? We've taught him to hide it very well."

He kicked me a few more times then pulled me up to my feet by the collar of my shirt. He grabbed me by the throat and squeezed. I couldn't breathe. My legs kicked out underneath me, "I choked him once too, he squirmed like a little bitch."

I had had enough of him talking badly about Benjamin. I brought me knee back and kneed him in the stomach. He removed his hands from my throat and grabbed his stomach. I fell back to the ground. Acer looked pissed, "You're going to regret that." I tried to crawl away but Acer stepped on the back of my head. "That was a stupid mistake."

He grabbed my hand with the cast on it and tore the cast off. He lied my hand down on the ground, lifted his foot and stomped on my hand, sending searing pain up my arm. He twisted his foot prolonging the agony.

I screamed inwardly. He kicked the side of my head when he was finished with my hand. The world darkened.

Next I felt his hands clamp around my head lifting me up, then he slammed my head back into the ground. He did this twice. Everything went black once again.

When I could finally see clearly again I saw Acer pull out a pocketknife from his back pocket. The knife had dried blood on it, most likely Benjamin's. He opened the knife and advanced towards me. I tried to move but my body was too battered. He grabbed my arm and began cutting into my flesh.

I screamed and he slapped me, trying to shut me up, not wanting someone to hear me and come and ruin his fun. But I kept screaming.

He stopped his cutting to rip Benjamin's shirt from my waist and tied it tightly over my mouth, gagging me. I could no longer scream. He finished cutting into my arm. When he finished he showed me his work.

My eyes took a moment to focus. Under all the blood you could see he had cut the word BITCH into my arm. It was the same handwriting as the word BASTARD in Benjamin's back. Acer had been the one who cut that into Benjamin's back. I felt a tear slide down my face.

Then for the next ten minutes he proceeded to thrash me. He kicked me, punched me, slapped me, choked me, and beat my head into the ground. With every hit I felt myself lose hold of consciousness. When he pulled his knife out again I was motionless and in and out of consciousness. Acer put the blade to my throat and pushed into my skin, getting ready to slit my throat. I couldn't move. I closed my eyes and waited for the end. "Good bye, Benjamin."

Enforced (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang