Chapter 35

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That night we broke into a small store and took another back pack, two large water jugs, another four box of matches, three boxes of pain killers, two boxes of water purifying tablets, a few cans of food, two blankets, three large tarps, and another set of clothes for each of us. Benjamin left the money on the counter.

We distributed the stuff between our packs and went back into the forest. We found a soft bed of moss far away from any human. Then laid a tarp down and covered up with the two blankets. The night air was cold even with the blankets and I started to shiver.

Benjamin scooted closer to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt warmer almost immediately. I put my hand on his chest and ran it up, stopping above his heart. Feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath my hand, made me feel safe.

I moved myself closer to his face and leaned in for a kiss. Benjamin closed the rest of the space between our lips and kissed me longingly. He parted my lips with his tongue. I tightened my grip on his chest and his pulse rose rapidly beneath me. I smiled against his mouth. He spoke without stopping our kiss, "You think. That, that. was funny?"

I smiled again and nodded. He reached behind my head and gently grabbed a handful of my hair, sending chills up my spine. I arched my back and I felt him smile and he pulled away. "We have too much power over each other."

"Yep." I said to stop the speaking and get back to the kissing. I pulled him back into me instantly. I reached my hand under his shirt and moved it slowly up from his stomach to his chest. I felt the muscles in his abdomen tense beneath my palm. We lied there like that for a while. I don't know how long exactly, but I eventually drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning in the same position I fell asleep in. Benjamin's tee shirt was half way up his chest and his hair was tousled. I felt incredibly happy which wasn't an emotion I should have been feeling considering the fact that Benjamin and I were both wanted fugitives with a death sentence awaiting us.

Benjamin was still sleeping, he looked so peaceful. I sat up slowly with the intent to gather breakfast. Benjamin's eyes immediately shot open and he grabbed for my hand. "Don't!" he shouted, "Don't leave."

"What's wrong, Benjamin?"

"Last time you left me I almost lost you. Forever."

"Goodness Benjamin." I said, "I was just going to gather wild berries for breakfast."

"You are still recovering." He argued.

"And you, "I said, tapping his nose, "are still over protective. I'll be fine."

"So you want wild berries?" he asked me sitting up.

"Yes, but I want to gather them." I whined.

"Fine, but that's all you are doing. And you need to be careful, okay?"

"Ok." I said rolling my eyes, "And all I have to do is pick berries, it won't be a huge production."

"Be careful not to hurt yourself though, okay?"

"'Kay." I said smiling. I untangled myself from his body and the blanket. I walked a few hundred yards away and found two bushes full of plump wild berries that I recognized as raspberries and blueberries. I pulled my shirt out forming somewhat of a bowl or basket. I picked berries until my shirt was overflowing. 

I began walking back to where Benjamin and I had set up camp. I was almost there when I heard a couple of voices, "Come here!" Then, "Quit squirming!" "Answer us now! Where is the girl? Tell us, or we will kill you!" I dropped the berries and ran. I heard a gun cock.

"You're going to have to kill me then! I will never give her up!" Benjamin shouted back at the men. By now I was sprinting. It hurt to run, but I pushed through the pain. I had almost reached Benjamin when I heard a gunshot. I screamed and ran even faster than I was before. The adrenaline kicked in and I was running faster than I thought possible under the circumstances.

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