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buzz buzz.

it was monday morning and abby was awoken by her phone vibrating on the nightstand beside her bed.

abby rolled over, reached for her phone and the screen illuminated once again indicating she had just received a text from her new friend.

jack huuuughes🏒

good morning sunshine😇, i know it's early but we aren't leaving for chi until 10, wanna get some breakfast before school?

an instant smile emerged on the teenager's face and she furiously texted back her response before rising from her bed and beginning to get ready.

abby quickly changed into a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a cropped white long sleeve top, quickly did her makeup and hair and collecting all of her school supplies before practically running out the front door to her car.

the excited teenager drove the 10 minute drive to the ntdp's favourite diner in plymouth, mary's.

she immediately recognized jack's suv that was decorated with ntdp sticker and license plate when she pulled up beside it.

an equally as excited jack looked up when abby pulled in beside him.

the two emerged from their cars and greeted each other in front of the parked vehicles.

"why good morning goregous." jack said to abby before placing a kiss on her cheek.

"good morning to you as well" abby said as they walked into the diner.

the two sat down in a booth and were immediately asked if they wanted their regular orders.

as the waitress wrote down their order, jack couldn't take his eyes off the girl across from him.

when the waitress left, abby immediately said, "why you staring? is there something on my shirt?"

"no, you just look absolutely stunning that's all."

"wow, you have a way with words j."

"only for a beautiful girl like you."

the two young adults sat in their usual booth chatting about the upcoming ntdp road trip, abby's week at school, and other various gossip until the two had to leave the restaurant.

just a short chapter to get back into the swing of writing!🤷🏻‍♀

my girl | jack hughesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin