Raven's Visions

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Raven is in her room meditating. Suddenly her mind shows her an image of a boy crying on a platform. The boy's hair seems very familiar.

The vision stops and Raven starts to cry. 

There is a knock on Raven's door.

Raven walks to the door and opens it just a crack.

"Are you OK? I heard you crying," Robin says.

"I'm fine," Raven lies.

"We have a bond, remember? Tell me what is going on," Robin says.

"Fine, come on in," Raven opens the door the rest of the way so Robin can come in.

"I have been having visions, they are of the past but it's not mine."

"What do you mean it's not your's?"

"It's not of Trigon or of the prophecy. It's of a boy, I don't know who but he seems really familiar."

"What do you mean familiar?"

"Like I have seen the whole situation before," Raven replies.

"Are you willing to tell me more?" Robin asks.

"There isn't much to tell, except I also saw two shadows falling to the ground," Raven says.

Suddenly Raven stops, another vision comes to her.

"What is it?" Robin asks.

Raven doesn't answer. She sees a sign that has three people on it. Two adults and one child, the sign reads "The Flying Graysons".

The vision finishes and she returns to her room with Robin repeating himself.

"Raven, what is it? What did you see?"

"It was a sign, it read the Flying Graysons," Raven says.

Robin's face turns white.

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