The Fight

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"Let's go," Raven says as she jumps into the R-mobile holding Starfire.

"Kid Flash, take Starfire back to the main tower, make sure Cyborg initiates a lock down. I don't want any of the other titans to be in danger," Robin says as Raven gives Starfire to Kid Flash.

"You've got it," Kid Flash takes Starfire who is still weak, gets out of the R-mobile, and starts running.

The other heroes return to the cave and Robin heads over to the computer.

"We need to talk," Batgirl says.

"What's up?" Robin asks.

"How did you get fear gas?"

"I used Scarecrow's recipe," Robin says pulling up the villain's file.

"You did what?" Batgirl is shocked.

"I changed it so instead of making the person insane for the rest of their life it only lasts a few hours," Robin explains.

"A few hours or the rest of their life you know Batman won't like it," Batgirl says.

"True, but Zucco needed to be taken down, and Slade, he did many things to make my life hard so I just repaid the favor."

"As long as it is a one time thing," Batgirl says.

"Starfire is so not happy with you," Kid Flash says as he stops next to Jinx.

"As long as she is safe, I lost my parents, I don't want to lose my girlfriend," Robin says.

Raven is over at the exam table looking at the "toys" Robin made.

"What do these do?" Raven asks knowing not to touch.

"They contain recipes from old enemies, the only difference is that I make it so it doesn't last long."

"What does this one do?" Kid Flash asks holding a red syringe in his hand.

"Wally, put that down," Robin says in a serious voice.

"Why, what does it do?" Kid Flash asks gently setting it down.

"If injected it can paralyze a person, if given too much it could kill them," Robin explains.

"You made Bane Venom?" Batgirl says.

"I also made Poison Ivy's poison," Robin says.

"You did what?" Batgirl shouts.

"They are for emergencies only," Robin says.

"Robin, I think that you are turning into Slade," Raven says.

"What?" Robin says turning around.

"You are letting your past turn into revenge instead of justice," Batgirl says.

"Zucco is after me, you think I'm going for vengeance. I'm trying to survive and not put any of my friends in danger," Robin gets angry.

He starts to walk over to the exam table.

"Where are my orbs, syringes, and vials?"

"I had Jinx take them out of the cave and destroy them," Kid Flash says.

"You did what?" Robin says before throwing a punch.

"Robin, stop! We are doing this because we care about you," Batgirl says.

"That was almost as bad as the Brotherhood of Evil," Jinx says coming back into the cave.

"You are comparing me to a psychotic brain in a jar? He almost blew the Earth up!"

"And you were creating things that would do a lot more harm," Jinx says.

Raven appears between Jinx and Robin before Robin can hit the girl who switched sides.

"Robin, don't be worse than me when I'm angry," Raven says.

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