Robin's Past

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"What is it?" Raven asks.

"Come with me," Robin says.

Raven and Robin walk into his room.

"What are we doing here?" Raven asks.

"Not yet," Robin responds pushing a secret button on the back of his utility belt.

A secret door opens.

"What is this place?" Raven asks as Robin guides her into the room.

"This is my memory room."

"I had no idea that this was here."

"Nobody except Cyborg does, this is where everything from my past is," Robin says.

Raven looks at a painting.

"Is that your parents?"

"Yes," Robin says.

"Why didn't you tell us about them?"

"We all have our secrets Raven, you know that," Robin says.

Raven walks over to where Robin is standing.

"You have a lot of clowns in this room," Raven says.

"The Joker was Batman's arch nemesis," Robin says looking at a glass cube that is protecting a toothpick.

"What's that?"

"Slade might be my enemy in Jump City, but in Gotham City it was Tony Zucco," Robin says taking the toothpick out of the case.

"You named a toothpick?" Raven asks.

"No, Tony Zucco was the head of the mob that killed my parents," Robin says.

"So you were the kid I saw?" Raven asks.

"Yes, my real name is Dick Grayson."

"As in the kid from the sign I saw?"

"Yes, we were acrobats in a circus. We had a few shows scheduled in Gotham and the night before opening Tony Zucco came and offered my parents some protection, my dad refused. The next night the nuts holding the trapeze were loosened and my parents died," Robin starts to tear up a bit.

Raven walks closer to him.

"I'm so sorry," Raven says putting her hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Don't tell anyone, I keep it a secret for a reason," Robin says.

"I won't," Raven reponds.

The alarm goes off.

"Who is it?" Robin says as he and Raven run into the main room.

"Someone new," Cyborg says.

"Zoom in and see what they just threw on the ground," Raven says as she sees something drop.

"It's a toothpick," Cyborg says.

"It's not just any toothpick," Robin says.

"Yea, it's a toothpick from some guy," Beast Boy says.

"Let me and Raven take this one," Robin says.

"Dude, we do this together," Beast Boy says.

"This guy is from Gotham," Robin says.

"Why does Raven get to go?" Starfire asks.

"Because Raven can't die," Robin says.

"Robin is right, we don't know what this guy is capable of and because I'm half demon it's harder for me to die," Raven says.

"But Dude, we have fought way worse people than him, remember the Brain?" Beast Boy says.

"Yea, and what about Tri-" Cyborg starts before Starfire puts her hand on his shoulder.

"We understand that you are only trying to protect us, do what you need to do," Starfire says.

"Come on Raven," Robin says as he walks out of the room.

"That was Zucco, wasn't it?" Raven asks as they walk back into the secret room.

"Yes, and we need two more Titans," Robin says as he starts to grab things from a box.

"OK," Raven says.

"We have to go to the spare tower," Robin says getting on his motorcycle.

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